Sony US18650NC1 2900mAh (Green)
Official specifications:
- Typical capacity: 2900mAh
- Minimum capacity: 2750mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.6V
- AC-IR: 22mOhm
- DC-IR: 36mOhm
- Charging method: CC/CV
- Charging voltage: 4.2V
- Max. charging current: 2A (TBD)
- Discharge voltage cut-off: 2.5V
- Max. discharge current: 10A (TBD)
- Max. temperature: 55°C at 6A (TBD)
The above specifications are from a preliminary datasheet.
Sony does not only make very high current batteries, but also batteries with more capacity.
The two cells has very good tracking and capacity does hold up well. More discharge curves would probably have meet if I had discharge down to the rated 2.5 volt.
This is a very good battery, the capacity is acceptable for the current capability, but there are better batteries.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
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