Test controller, param sweeper popup


This popup can be used to record sweeps with up to 3 parameters, it can be saved as multiple logfiles and charts.
Before using this function devices must usually be configuration from the Setup popup.

    Settings for main
    Select sweep type
        Primary only
        Primary then secondary
        Primary and secondary simultanously
        Primary and secondary
        Primary then secondary then tertiary
        Primary and secondary and tertiary
        Primary then secondary and tertiary
        Primary and secondary simultanously and tertiary
    Settings for primary, secondary and tertiary
    Select parameter to sweep
    Skipping overload condition or stopping on faults
    Doing a sweep
Main page

Settings for main


For sweep type see below. At the bottom of the popup is a progress bar, it will show an estimate of the remaining time.
If the sweeping is aborted the log will not be stopped, but continue to collect data.

Select sweep type


The different sweep types defines how many parameters and how they are combined.

Primary only

Only the primary parameter is swept, the other two parameters are not used.
A break will terminate every thing.

Primary then secondary

First the primary parameter is swept with the secondary at idle value, then the secondary parameter is swept with the primary at idle value. When logging this two files be be generated.
A break will skip to next sweep.

Primary and secondary simultanously

Primary and secondary is swept in synchronization. The step time and steps is defined by primary.
A break will terminate every thing.

Primary and secondary

Primary is swept once for each step on secondary, this usually takes long time.
If secondary uses steps a logfile is saved for each step value.
A break will skip to next sweep of primary.

Primary then secondary then tertiary

First the primary parameter is swept with other at idle value, then the secondary parameter is swept with other at idle value and last the tertiary is swept with the other at idle value. When logging this will generate 3 files.
A break will skip to next sweep.

Primary and secondary and tertiary

Primary is swept once for each step on secondary, this is repeated for each step on tertiary. This will take a very long time.
If tertiary and optionally secondary uses steps a logfile is saved for each step value.
A break will skip to next sweep of primary.

Primary then secondary and tertiary

First the primary parameter is swept with the secondary at idle value, then the secondary parameter is swept with the primary at idle value. This is repeated for each step in tertiary.
If tertiary uses steps this will generate multiple log files.
A break will skip to next sweep of primary or secondary.

Primary and secondary simultanously and tertiary

Primary and secondary is swept in synchronization, a sweep is performed for each step in tertiary.
If tertiary uses steps this will generate multiple log files.
A break will skip to next sweep of primary and secondary.

Settings for primary, secondary and tertiary



With 3 step values on secondary parameter I got both table/csv and chart/png files for each value. Filename was defined as "PS"

Select parameter to sweep


The combobox contains all fields defined with "#cmdSetup number ..." in the device definitions. It is not filtered and this means not all fields may be valid in the current device state.

With the last couple of lines, i.e. "SCPI command for ..." it is possible to directly enter the SCPI command to use for sweeping.

The command is entered in the "Cmd" field and uses same syntax as in device definitions:

Skipping overload condition or stopping on faults


This page can do up to 3 test for out of (safe) range values. These test are done on the values read from the devices, i.e. the same values as are in the table and on the chart.
Each line can either break the current sweep, i.e. after a pause start over on the primary sweep or the next sweep on "then" types. Or can stop the entire sweep test,

In the expression p, s & t can be used for the primary, secondary and tertiary values. The expression will first see the values after they have been used, this means the innermost loop (often p) will be one step behind what the devices see.

Doing a sweep

If there are errors in the sweep definitions it is not possible to start a sweep.

Before a sweep is started some preparations are done:
1) Single channel devices included in the sweep are turned on, multichannel must be turned on manually with the Setup popup.
2) Devices are set to initial value or idle value, depending in sweep type

Then the sweeps are done, for each step the breakers are tested if it is necessary to stop.
It is possible to adjust parameters during the sweep.

Finally all devices are returned to idle value.
To turn device off and/or give alarm after the sweep is done use the alarm popup.

The estimated time shown and the progress bar is based on all sweeps being performed in the specified time. The Breaker can shorten the time and saving log/charts can extend the time.


This popup can be controlled with:

#SETPARAMSWEEPER M "type" prepareTime pauseTime
#SETPARAMSWEEPER ML saveLog saveChart pause interval {name}
#SETPARAMSWEEPER [PST]C "channel" {cmd}
#SETPARAMSWEEPER [PST]S lin/log/step time steps start stop idle
#SETPARAMSWEEPER [PST]V {v1{ v2{... v8}}}
#SETPARAMSWEEPER B[123] all off/ab/exp {expression}/{channel below above}
#SHOWPOPUPSYSTEM ParamSweeper {x y {w h}}

It can require up to 15 commands to fully configure the ParamSweeper