Test Controller, user projects

Som user projects that can be used with TestController. This includes home made interfaces for DMM's.
ESP32 multichannel DS18B20 temperature sensor in MicroPython by Bad_Driver
Atmega328/Arduino with up to 8 TMP275 temperature sensors by oz2cpu
Owon BT41T+ DMM
Sanwa PC7000 DMM & Lutron DW-6063 power meter by Kazimierz Król
10 channel 12bit ADC module by WA
10 channel 12bit ADC module addition by Pukker
BME280 (Pressure, temperature & humidity) sensor by WA
Brymen BM869s custom build serial interface
Swiss Army knife
Main page
ESP32 multichannel DS18B20 temperature sensor in MicroPython by Bad_Driver

This ESP32 project can handle 7 DS18B20 sensors, it is easy to adjust the actual number of sensors in the python script and TC definition. The TC definition is very simple only containing the minimum to read the values.
Atmega328/Arduino with up to 8 TMP275 temperature sensors by oz2cpu
A Arduino sketch and hardware that can handle up to 8 temperature sensors.
Owon BT41T+ DMM
TC cannot directly support the Owon B41T+ bluetooth multimeter, but somebody has made a a program for ESP32 to handle convert from Bluetooth to serial the interface: https://github.com/palmerr23/Owon_B41T
Sanwa PC7000 DMM & Lutron DW-6063 power meter by Kazimierz Król
A custom build serial interface and TC definition for the above two meters.
10 channel 12bit ADC module by WA

There is nothing DIY in this project, it is about a module with 10 ADC inputs, each can handle up to 3.3V, the controller is a STM32F103C8T6. It has build-in USB interface and can directly be connected to a computer and will deliver the data on a virtual serial port.
It can be used for many sensors and with a OpAmp and a low ohmic resistor for measuring DC current.
In TestController it is included as standard and called ADC10F103C.
It has many different names: Dolla Tek USB interface, Denash 10 Channel 12 Bit USB Interface, STM 32 USB Interface 12 Bit 10 CH, USB STM32 UART ADC Module 10-channel
It can be found on EBay, Aliexpress Amazon etc.
10 channel 12bit ADC module addition by Pukker

Just to share for what it's worth.
Once I bought an ADC10F103C and didn't nothing with it.
3.3 volt max. input makes it not always useful for me.
I liked to have an universal voltage logger,
so I made an resistor interface and so it is an usefull voltage logger to max. 60v.
Made different maximal input voltages over the 10 channels.
2x5, 3x10, 3x30 and 2x60 Volt input.
First made 10 math calculation for calculate and calibration.
That works fine, but lazy I am, modified my device file,
so it works out of the box.
Modification in the device file:
*** Only as indication.****
#rxFormat 9e5*1.6958885 26e5*1.6958885 43e5*3.2600326 60e5*3.268149 77e5*3.2476453 94e5*10.284538 111e5*10.259917 128e5*10.259917 145e5*19.173553 162e5*19.179894
The different multiplication factors includes calibration of each input.
In addition to voltage it can also be used for current measurement with an ACS712 interface.
Can be powerd from ADC10F103C 5Volt and GND output.
Output can be connected to a 0-5Volt input.
The ACS712 can be bought for a few Euro's in 5, 20 and 30A versions.
In my case the 5A version has an output of 185mV/A.
The offset is 2.5 Volt, so you can measure Pos. and Neg. current.
With an simple math formula you can calculate the according Current.
Formula: Current = (ADC10.Input1_5V-2.5)/0.185
You can always put an calibration factor in the formula.
Negative and Positive current. For example usefull in a charge and discharge system.
Isolated input.
1.2 mOhm input resistance.
ADC10F103C and ACD712 powered by USB, no additional power supply needed.
Linearity at low current a bit low. (I have an cheap Chinese module, is the ACS712 original?}
Some noise on output.

BME280 (Pressure, temperature & humidity) sensor by WA

This project uses ATMEGA328 processor to connect a BME280 sensor to TestController.
The zip file contains schematic, program for processor in IntelHex and TestController definition.
Brymen BM869s custom build serial interface
This interface is cheap and make it possible to use the meter on Linux and Mac.
There is also windows software for the BM869s included.
Swiss Army knife

This is a box with analog and digital IO that can be controlled/read from TestController.
The project is described in Silicon Chip magazine and it is necessary to pay to see more than the first page. They also sell it as a kit.
https://www.siliconchip.com.au/Issue/2023/April (Article: Project: Automated Test Bench by Richard Palmer)