Beamshot of 8 lights, June 2011
This beamshot is with medium to large size light, many of them uses the XM-L led. The new lights are Scorpion and BC40 all other has been included in older beamshots.

I have included the following lights (Same sequence as picture): ThruNite Scorpion V2, same with turbo head, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3, 4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L.
I am using 18650 in all lights, except S12 that uses a 26650. The Predator uses military preset.

This chart shows the total light output measured with a ceiling bounce. The Scorpion with one 18650 cell does match other lights with 2x18650 in light output, even the S12 with SST-90 and larger battery has the same output.

The Scorpion and Predator are the only lights with a super low setting, these are also the only lights with fully adjustable output levels, but the adjustable range does not include the super low setting.

Measuring lux at 4 meters shows that there are huge differences in throw, for really good throw a large reflector is required. The lights with a smaller reflector cannot match the M3C4 or 7G3. The Scorpion does improve throw with the turbo head.

The biggest difference in weight between most of these lights are probably the batteries (one or two and for S12 a larger battery). The M3C4 does include more metal in the construction making it the heaviest light.

In this table I have summarized the abilities of the lights. The Scorpion has one easy adjustable level and functions changes depending on the tail rings position. The Predator is fully programmable with any brightness on any level, but it requires some work to do the programming.
Head: Loose/tight head, Tail: Turnable tail, TS: Tail switch, ETS: Electronic tail switch, ESS: Electronic side switch.

For the Scorpion the turbo head is an extra, i.e. you will have both the normal and turbo version of the light for the turbo price.
Beam profile, high power
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Beam profile, high power, reduced exposure
The reduced exposure makes it easier to compare the hotspot.
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Beam profile, lowest setting
Single level lights uses the same picture as above. On Scorpion and Armytech I have used the lowest regular setting, not firefly mode!
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Beam profile, lowest setting, increased exposure
Increasing the exposure makes it easier to compare the low settings. On Scorpion and Armytech I have used the lowest regular setting, not firefly mode!
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Tree at 11 meters
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Trees at 136 meters
ThruNite Scorpion V2, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK21

Fenix TK35, JetBeam BC40, Crelant 7G3,

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Dark reference:

ThruNite Scorpion V2

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Note: Any brightness between low and high can easily be selected on the light.
Low, high (Firefly and momentary not included), normal head:

Low, high (Firefly and momentary not included), turbo head:

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters normal head:

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters turbo head:

Fenix TK21

Low, #2, #3:


Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

Fenix TK35

Low, #2, #3:


Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

JetBeam BC40

Low, high:

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

Crelant 7G3

This light can be used in both 1x18650 and 2x18650 mode, in this beamshot I have only used the 1x18650 mode. With 2x18650 the light will be brighter.

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, high:

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

ArmyTek Predator XP-G R5

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Note: Any number of modes (below 15) with any brightness between low and high can be programmed into the light. The light also has a firefly mode (The newest version has 3) with brightness below low.
Low, #2, high:

Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters:

Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Low, #2, #3:

#4, High:
Tree at 12 meter, Trees at 136 meters: