Beamshot of ThruNite and other large lights, May 2012

This collection of beamshots compares the ThruNite TN30 and TN31 to other large lights.


The following lights are included (Same sequence as pictures): ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60, Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11, Olight SR51, Olight SR92

A few notes:
TK60, TK70 are each using 4 NiMH D batteries.
SR92 is using it own custom battery
All other lights are using 18650 batteries.


The ThruNite TN30 is a very powerful light, it is even brighter than the TK70. The TN31 is also very bright for a single led light. Brightness is measured with a ceiling bounce.


Both TN30 and TN31 has 6 brightness settings and lowest setting is very low. The Fenix lights has 4 settings and a moderate low. TM11 does also have 4 settings, but none of them are really low. The SR lights have two settings, both at high brightness.
The TN30, TN31 and TM11 only runs at full brightness for a few minutes, then they reduce the brightness.


Here I have measured lux at 4 meters to get a estimate of throw. The large reflector on the TN31 does really focus the light.


The large Fenix with D NiMH batteries are the heaviest, LiIon batteries does not weight as much.


In this table I have tried to collect the key features of each light. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: TS: Tail switch, ESS: Electronic side switch, Tail: Turning the tail is used in the ui, Ring: Turning a ring changes settings.


The price for Scorpion includes $30 for the turbo head.

Beamprofile with high output

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_1952a DSC_1958a DSC_1962a

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_1966a DSC_1970a DSC_1974a

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_1978a DSC_1981a DSC_1985a

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_1987a DSC_1989a

Beamprofile with high output, reduced exposure

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_1952b DSC_1958b DSC_1962b

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_1966b DSC_1970b DSC_1974b

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_1978b DSC_1981b DSC_1985b

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_1987b DSC_1989b

Lowest setting

Most of these lights has a low settings, making these pictures rather boring.

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_1947a DSC_1953a DSC_1959a

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_1963a DSC_1967a DSC_1971a

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_1975a DSC_1979a DSC_1982a

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_1986a DSC_1988a

Lowest setting, increased exposure

Even with increased exposure, the ThruNite lights are to low to register.

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_1947c DSC_1953c DSC_1959c

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_1963c DSC_1967c DSC_1971c

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_1975c DSC_1979c DSC_1982c

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_1986c DSC_1988c

Tree at 38 meter

The tree I aim at is 38 meter away.

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_1995a DSC_1996a DSC_1997a

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_1998a DSC_1999a DSC_2000a

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_2001a DSC_2002a DSC_2003a

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_2004a DSC_2005a

Dark reference:

Trees at 160 meter

The tree I aim at is 160 meter away.

ThruNite TN30, ThruNite TN31, ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head:
DSC_2012a DSC_2013a DSC_2014a

Fenix TK35, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK60:
DSC_2015a DSC_2016a DSC_2017a

Fenix TK70, Klarus XT20, NiteCore TM11:
DSC_2018a DSC_2019a DSC_2020a

Olight SR51, Olight SR92:
DSC_2021a DSC_2022a

Dark reference:

ThruNite TN30


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1947a DSC_1948a DSC_1949a

#4, #5, High:
DSC_1950a DSC_1951a DSC_1952a

Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_1995a DSC_2012a

ThruNite TN31


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1953a DSC_1954a DSC_1955a

#4, #5, High:
DSC_1956a DSC_1957a DSC_1958a

Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_1996a DSC_2013a

ThruNite Scorpion V2 with turbo head


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1959a DSC_1960a DSC_1961a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_1997a DSC_2014a

Fenix TK35


Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1963a DSC_1964a DSC_1965a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_1998a DSC_2015a

Fenix TK41


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1967a DSC_1968a DSC_1969a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_1999a DSC_2016a

Fenix TK60


Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1971a DSC_1972a DSC_1973a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2000a DSC_2017a

Fenix TK70


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1975a DSC_1976a DSC_1977a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2001a DSC_2018a

Klarus XT20


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, high:
DSC_1979a DSC_1980a DSC_1981a

Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2002a DSC_2019a

NiteCore TM11


Low, #2, #3:
DSC_1982a DSC_1983a DSC_1984a


Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2003a DSC_2020a

Olight SR51


Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, high:
DSC_1986a DSC_1987a

Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2004a DSC_2021a

Olight SR92


Low, high:
DSC_1988a DSC_1989a

Tree at 38 meter and 170 meters:
DSC_2005a DSC_2022a


Most of the small beamshot pictures can be clicked for a larger version. To compare beamshots, open the larger picture in different tabs, then switch between tabs to see the difference.