DC-DC Boost converter 2-24V to 2-28V 2A MT3908

This is all the measurements without comments, for the review see here
Load sweep
Load sweep 5V out
Load sweep 9V out
Load sweep 15V out
Load sweep 20V out
Voltage sweep
Voltage sweep 5V out
Voltage sweep 9V out
Voltage sweep 12V out
Voltage sweep 15V out
Voltage sweep No load
Load test
Load sweep
Due to some smoke, all test are running with a power limit, this means curves that stops at 2W, 2.5W or 3W is stopped to avoid burning the chip and not due to some safety inside the chip.
Load sweep 5V out

Load sweep 9V out

Load sweep 15V out

Load sweep 20V out

Voltage sweep
Voltage sweep 5V out

Voltage sweep 9V out

Voltage sweep 12V out

Voltage sweep 15V out

Voltage sweep No load

Load test

M1: 87.3°C, M2: 87.1°C, M3: 72.1°C, HS1: 94.3°C

M1: 87.8°C, M2: 100.9°C, M3: 68.9°C, HS1: 141.2°C

Adding 100uF to the output.

Adding 330uF to the output.
