2.1A Dual USB car charger

Official specifications:
- Input Voltage: DC12V-24V
- Output Voltage: 5V
- Output Current: 2.1A/1A
- Material: Aluminum Alloy.
- Size: 6x6x2.5cm.
I got it from Aliexpress dealer: Maintain_Your_Car Store

It arrived in a plastic bag inside a envelope, no instruction sheet included.

- USB outputs are coded as usb charger (DCP)
- USB outputs are in parallel.
- There is blue light inside the charger.
- Weight: 19.2g
- Length: 68mm
- Diameter: 25.7mm

For a 2.1A rated output it is rather weak with overload limit at 0.9A

Slightly higher voltage did not help

With 24V input I got slightly above the 0.9A, but not for long and it did not work after that. This means no more tests.
Tear down

I could remove the front with a spudger and then pull the circuit board out.

The circuit has two capacitors, a rectifier diode, a inductor and a chip (AD85063: 5V 1A)

The reason the circuit stopped working is obvious, the chip could not really deliver the rated current and was low on protection.

There is nothing on the bottom.

Being a 12V device there is no need to test with high voltages.
This charger is over rated and the chip cannot handle overload, this is a rather bad charger.
Read more about how I test USB power supplies/charger
Compare car chargers and other DC supplied chargers