A123 18650 1100mAh (Yellow)
This is a battery that can deliver very high amount of power!
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity & Voltage: 1.1Ah, 3.3v
- Recommended standard charge method: 1.5A to 3.6v CCCV, 45min
- Recommended fast charge current: 5A to 3.6v CCCV, 15min
- Max continuous discharge: 30A
- Pulse discharge at 10sec: 65A
- Cycle life at 10C discharge, 100% DOD: Over 1,000 cycles
- Recommended charge/cutoff voltage: 3.5v to 2v
- Operating temp: -30 ~ +60degC
- Cell Weight: 39g
This battery has a lower voltage than the usual LiCoO2 batteries and also much lower capacity.
There is not much capacity, but the capacity is available at very high currents.
The battery is able to deliver 30A, but only for two minutes!
The battery has no protection and I discharged it before I was finished with this test.
I only uses a 1A charger current, the battery can be fast charged with a 4A current.
This battery uses a "safe" chemistry, but this does not make the battery completely safe due to the high currents it can deliver.
This is a very interesting battery for some applications, but due to the low voltage it is not really good for flashlights (leds need a lower Vf)?
This battery can only rate a as very good.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries