A123 26650 2500mAh (Green)
This is a battery that can deliver very high amount of power!
Official specifications:
- Nominal Voltage: 3.3v
- Nominal Capacity: 2.3A
- Standard Charge: 3.6A
- Max Charge: 10C
- Max Allowable Charge Voltage: 4.2v Charge voltage is 3.6 volt
- Max Discharge: 30C (Continuous)
- Burst Discharge: 60C
- Weight: 70g
- Dimensions: 66.5mm x 26mm
The above current rating is much lower than the A123 datasheet is says: 70A continuous and 120A pulse.
This battery is rated for 2500mAh (in A123 datasheet) and will deliver it, even at a 30A load, but the voltage is lower than the normal LiCoO2 batteries.
On this battery the body is the plus connection.
Same capacity at any load and very constant voltage during discharge, but the price for the high current ability is capacity.
I have used the same 1A charging current as I do for most other batteries. This battery is designed for much faster charging, recommend charge current is 2.5A and max. charge current is 10A for a 12 minutes charge to 80% capacity.
This battery uses a "safe" chemistry, but this does not make the battery safe, any battery that can deliver 120A has to be very careful treated.
This is a very interesting battery for some applications, but due to the low voltage it is not really good for flashlights (leds need a lower Vf).
This battery can only rate as very good.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries