AWT IMR18650 2600mAh (Yellow) 2015
Official specifications:
- Size : 18.20mm x 65.05mm
- NominalVoltage: 3.70V
- Nominal Capacity: 2600mAh
- Charging Metod: CC/CV 4.20V
- Discharge Voltage: 2.50V (Average Cut Off)
- Charging Current CC: 1250mA
- Rapid Charging Current: 4000mA
- Continuous Discharge Current: 35A
- Max. Short Peak Discharge CC: 40A
- Weight: 60gr.max
- Colour: Yellow , Black
- Version: Flat Top
- Protection : No
This is a very high current 18650 battery with fairly good capacity.
There is fairly good tracking between the two cells and capacity is nearly constant up to 20A.
This is a high performance high current battery, it has fairly high capacity and can deliver a lot of current.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Aweite for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries