Ampsplus 16650 2500mAh (Black) 2020
Official specifications:
- Ampsplus 16650 2500mAh Battery Protected
- Battery Size: 16.60mm x 67.50mm
- Nominal Voltage: 3.70V
- Nominal Capacity: 2500mAh
- Min. Rated Capacity: 2400mAh
- Charging Method: CC/CV 4.20V~4.35V
- Discharge Voltage: 3V (Average Cut Off)
- Standard Charging Current CC: 1250mA
- Fast Charging Current: 2500mA
- Standard Charging Time: 4hrs
- Continuous Discharge Current: 6A
- Energy Density: 9.25Wh
- Battery Rate: 2C
- Weight: 41 gr. max
- Version: Button
- Protection / PCB: Yes , Protected
This is a protected 16650 LiIon battery
The two cells match nicely, but the capacity is nowhere near the rated 2500mAh, the cells are also very hard pressed at 5A load.
The missing capacity is due to it being a 4.35V cell used at 4.2V and most likely the protection will prevent it being charge to 4.35V..

This cell is a fairly good 16650 protected cell, but do not expect the rated capacity.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Ampsplus for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries