Aucooma IMR18650 3000mAh (Black-red)
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity: 3000mAh
- Nominal Voltage: 3.70V
- Standard Charge: Constant current 1250mA, Constant voltage 4.20V, End current(Cut off) 50mA
- Fast Charge: Constant current 4000mA, Constant voltage 4.20V, End current(Cut off) 100mA
- Max. Charge Voltage: 4.20V
- Max. Charge Current: 4000mA
- Standard Discharge: Constant current 500mA, End voltage(Cut off) 2.5V
- Fast Discharge: Constant current 35A, End voltage(Cut off) 2.5V
- Max. Discharge Current: For continuous discharge 20A, Max discharge 35A
- Weight: Approx. Max. 47.0G
- Operating Temperature: Charge 0 ~ 50°C, Discharge -20~ 75°C,
- Storage Temperature: 1 month -20 ~ 60°C, 3 months -20 ~45°C, 1 year -20 ~ 20°C
- Dimension: (D)18.2 + 0.2/-0.3 mm, (H) 64.85 ± 0
This is high current and high capacity cells.
The discharge curves tracks very well and the cell is good at handling current, but they do get very hot at 20A current.
Remember this is temperature raise, to get the cell temperature somewhere between 25°C and 30°C must be added.
At 20A the cells reach 85°C and I stop the test.
At 30A the cells reach 85°C much faster, after I stopped the test my sensor reached 92°C
The cells has good capacity and can deliver a lot of current, but high current is best done in pulses to keep the temperature down.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Aucooma for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries