Cytac 18650 3400mAh (Black)
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity: 3400mAh (0.5C Discharge)
- Minimum Capacity: 3350mAh (0.2C Discharge)
- Nominal Voltage: 3.70V
- Voltage at end of discharge: 2.75V
- Internal impedance: 80mOhm(with PCB)
- Max Charge Voltage: 4.20V ± 0.03V
- Standard Charge Current: 0.5C(1700mA)
- Rapid Charge Current: 1C(3400mA)
- Standard Discharge Current: 0.2C(680mA)
- Rapid Discharge Current: 1C(3400mA)
- Max Discharge Current( For continuous discharge): 1.5C(5100mA)
- Weight 50±1g
- Max. Dimension( with PCB): Diameter(?): 18.65mm, Height (H): 68.89mm±0.2mm
- Operating Temperature: Charge:0 ~ 45°C, Discharge: -20 ~ 60°C
- Storage Temperature:Within 1 month: -20 ~ 60°C, Within 6 months: -20 ~ 45°C, Within 1 year: -20 ~ 20°C
The current limit is at a good value.
These batteries uses a undisclosed cell, that works exactly like a Panasonic cell, i.e. it is very good.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Cytac for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
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