E-Stream ES18650-29MP 2900mAh (Green) 2021
Official specifications:
- Capacity Nominal: 2900mAh
- Capacity Minimum: 2750mAh
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
- Discharge cut-off voltage: 2.75
- Maximum charge voltage: 4.2V
- Intern impedance: <=28mOhm
- Standard charge current: 1.425A
- Standard charge cut-off current: 142.5mA
- Maximum continuous charge current: 2.9A
- Maximum pulse charge (<2s): 5.7A
- Standard discharge current: 2.85A
- Maximum continuous discharge current: 10A (With 60°C cut-off)
- Maximum pulse (<1s) discharge current: 15A (With 60°C cut-off)
- Cycle life: 1000 cycles to 80%
A 2900mAh LiIon battery with moderate current rating.
The two cells is fairly well matched and the cells can deliver the rated 10A

The batteries looks fine, they do not set any records in either capacity or current, but are more average.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by E-Stream for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries