Efest IMR18650 3000mAh (Purple) 2017
Official specifications:
- Rated capacity: 3000mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.7V
- Voltage at end of discharging: 2.5V
- Max. charging current: 4A
- Standard charge: 2A
- Discharging current 35A Oops, Efest has a typo
- Pulse discharging current: 60A Oops, Efest has a typo
- Charging temperature range: 0°C ~ 45°C
- Discharging temperature range: -20°C ~ 75°C
- Inner resistance: 20mOhm
- Cell size: 18.50 (±0.20)mm x 65.20 (±0.2)mm
A high capacity 18650 battery with fairly high current.
The two cells tracks nicely.
They get rather hot at 15A
And even more so at 20A, where I have to stop the discharge due to temperature.
This cell looks like a very good cell and it can deliver about 15A continious.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Efest for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries