Eneloop AA BK-3MCCE 1900mAh (White)
Official specifications:
- Nominal voltage: 1.2V
- Minimum capacity: 1900mAh
- Low self discharge: 70% capacity left after 10 years
- Cycle life: 2100 cycles.
Maximum temperature raise at different discharge currents: 1A:+1,3°C, 2A:+3,2°C, 3A:+5,5°C, 5A:+10,6°C, 7A:+15,6°C, 10A:+21,3°C
The lastest generation of eneloop (2016).
The two cells has good tracking and as usual the capacity drops a bit with high load.
These cells do not set any record in capacity, but has good performance and very long life.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Panasonic for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
Compare to other AA/AAA batteries: Alkaline/NiMH/Lithium