Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA 2019

Official specifications:
- Nominal voltage: 1.5V
- Chemical system: Lithium Disulfide (Li/FeS2)
- Storage temperature: -40° ~ 60°C
- Operating temperature: -40° ~ 60°C
- Maximum discharge current: 2.5A
- Maximum pulse discharge current: 4A (2s on / 8s off)
- Shelf life: 20 years at 21°C

Being lithium batteries means they maintain close to 1.5V until they are nearly empty. It looks like this battery has some sort of over current protection.

Discharging at low current (10mA) shows the higher voltage (1.7V) from these batteries, but there is no extra capacity to be gained.

These battery are the best primary batteries around, but also rather expensive and some equipment may have problems with the high voltage.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
Compare to other AA/AAA batteries: Alkaline/NiMH/Lithium