Fujitsu AAA HR-4UTI 750mAh (Blue)
Official specifications:
- Typical capacity: 800mAh
- Minimum capacity: 750mAh
- Nominal voltage: 1.2V
- Fast charge current: 750mA
- Internal impedance: 40mOhm at 1kHz
- Weight: 11g
- Low self discharge.
- Ambient temperature: Fast charge: 0°C ~ 40°C, Discharge: 0°C ~ 50°C, Storage <90 days: -20°C ~ 40°C, Storage < 1 year: -20°C ~ 30°C
Maximum temperature raise at different discharge currents: 1A:+2,7°C, 2A:+6,3°C, 3A:+9,9°C, 5A:+14,7°C
Fujitsu has multiple series of AAA NiMH batteries, here it is the blue version.
I ordered two batteries, but the shop was obvious out of two-packs.
The two cells tracks nicely and capacity drops a bit with load, the 5A test was above the cells abilities.

Looks like good AAA batteries.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
Compare to other AA/AAA batteries: Alkaline/NiMH/Lithium