GP AA ReCyko+ 2000mAh (Silver-Green)
Official specifications:
- Nominal voltage: 1.2V
- Capacity: 2000mAh
- Rechargeable up to 1000 times
- Low self discharge: retains 85% after 12 months.
Maximum temperature raise at different discharge currents: 1A:+1,2°C, 2A:+3,1°C, 3A:+5,5°C, 5A:+10,4°C, 7A:+15,8°C, 10A:+21,5°C
GP has decided to brand there chargers and batteries as green and named them accordingly. The batteries is medium capacity.
I got the batteries with a charger, I will also publish a review of it.
The discharge curves looks good.
This looks like good batteries. The LSD properties are accetable, but not the best for this capacity.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
Compare to other AA/AAA batteries: Alkaline/NiMH/Lithium