Kinoko IMR14500 750mAh (Gray)
Official specifications:
- Brand: Kinoko
- Size: 14500
- Model: 14500 IMR
- Type: Li-Mn
- Rated Capacity: 750mAh
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
- Lowest Discharge Voltage: 2.50V
- Peak Voltage: 4.2V
- Standard Charge: CC/CV ( max. charging rate 1.5A )
- Dimensions: 14.15mmX48.85mm
- Weight: 25g
- Rechargable: Yes
- Protected: Not Required for Li-Mn chemistry
- Chemistry: Lithium Manganese Dioxide Li-Mn02
- Style: Button top (may require a magnetic spacer)
- Discharge temperature range : -20°C--45°C
- Charger temperature range : 0°C--45°C
- Storge: 1year : -20°C--25°C, 3 months : -20°C—45°C, 1 month : -20°C—60°C
A LiIon IMR battery in AA size.
The high current capabilty is good on these cells.
The two cells does not have exactly the same capacity and without protection this makes them best for single cell usage.
This IMR cells has a good performance, I will rate it as a acceptable cell.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Illuminationsupply for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries