LG 18650 MJ1 3500mAh (Green)
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity: 3500mAh
- Minimum Capacity: 3400mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.635V
- Standard charge: 0.5C (1700mA) 4.2V, cut-off 50mA
- Max. charge voltage: 4.2V +/- 0.05V
- Max. charge current: 1C (3400mA)
- Standard discharge: 0.2C (680mA), cut-off 2.5V
- Max. discharge current: 10A
- Weight: Max. 49.0g
- Cycle life : 400 cycles, charge 1.5A, discharge 4A (80%)
- Operating temperature: Charge: 0° ~ 45°C, Discharge: -20°C ~ 60°C
- Storage temperature: 1 month: -20°C ~ 60°C, 3 months: -20°C ~ 45°C, 1 year: -20°C ~ 20°C
This is the newest high capacity cell from LG, it can also deliver some current.
Nice discharge curves. The 10A and 15A I terminated early due to temperature.
The tail on the curves is how much voltage they recovered when the load was removed.
If I had discharged to the rated 2.5V I would have got more capacity.
The cell temperature is 75°C when I stop the discharge.
Doing a 15A discharge on a 10A rated cell is not supposed to work, the cell raches 77°C after I stop the discharge.
This is a very good cell with high capacity and good current capability, but it gets hot at full load. This is one of the top cells when you need both capacity and current.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries