Panasonic Sub-C 3000mAh HHR300SCP (Brown paper)
Official specifications:
- Capacity average: 3050mAh
- Capacity rated: 2800mAh
- Internal impedance: 4mOhm @ 1000Hz
- Standard charge: 300mA x 16hrs
- Rapid charge: 3000mA x 1.2hrs
- Size: ø23.0+0/-0.1mm 43.0+0/-1.5mm
- Weight: 57g
- Ambient temperature charging: Standard: 0°C ~ 45°C, Rapid: 0°C ~ 40°C
- Storage temperature: 6 months: -20°C ~ 45°C, 2 years:-20°C ~ 35°C
Maximum temperature raise at different discharge currents: 1A:+0,1°C, 2A:+0,8°C, 3A:+1,5°C, 5A:+4,1°C, 7A:+6,3°C, 10A:+9,1°C, 15A:+13,1°C, 20A:+16,2°C
This is a rather unknown battery size for many people. It is used for a lot of stuff, mostly battery packs, but may also be used inside regular C or D cell of the low capacity types.
The discharge curves tracks nicely for NiMH and the capacity is good.
It is a good cell for battery packs, but I would prefer not to have it in my C or D cells.
Notes and links
This cell has been replaced by BK300SCP with about the same specifications.
The batteries was supplied by for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
Compare to other AA/AAA batteries: Alkaline/NiMH/Lithium