Samsung INR18650-13B M 1300mAh (Pink)
Official specifications:
- Nominal capacity: 1300mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.50V
- Standard charge: 650mA
- Rapid charge: 4000mA
- Charge method: CC-CV 100mA cut-off
- Maximum discharge current: 23000mAh
- Discharge cut-off voltage: 2.50V
- Cycle life: 250 cycles to 60% at 23A discharge.
This is a high current and low capacity cell for tools.
It maintains capacity very nicely up to 20A, at 30A the capacity is a bit down.
This is a older high current cell of good quality.
Notes and links
Vapcell told me that I was missing some cells in my comparator and they would be happy to supply them.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
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