Sanyo UR16650ZTA 2500mAh (Magenta)
Official specifications:
- Rated capacity: 2330mAh
- Minimum capacity : 2380mAh
- Typical capacity: 2500mAh
- Nominal voltage. 3.7V
- Charging voltage: 4.35V
- Charging current: 1190mA
Test at 4.35V charge voltage
This battery size matches two CR123 batteries in diameter and length, but has lower voltage. In some cases it is a very good replacement.
The cells match fairly well and can deliver 5A, but not 7A.
Test at 4.30V charge voltage
Reducing the charge voltage means about 80-100mAh less capacity.
Test at 4.20V charge voltage
With a regular 4.20 volt charger the capacity is reduced 260-280mAh.
The cell needs to warm up before it can handle a 5A discharge.
This cell cannot match a 18650 cell, but when the slightly lower diameter is needed it is a good cell.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries