Shockli 4x18650 7.4V 4400mAh

Official specifications:
- Rated capacity: 4400mAh
- Rated voltage: 7.4V
- Weight: 250g
- Cable length: 55cm

This is a four cell bicycle battery pack.

The cells is packed in rubber and includes a pouch for mounting the pack on the bike.

Inside the rubber the batteries are packed in two layers of shrink wrap.
The cable do not have a real strain relief, but the shrink wrap helps keeping it in.

The pack uses Chinese batteries, not really a surprise with a 4400mAh pack rating.

The protection circuit looks like it is checking both cell pairs, but without balancing.

Capacity is considerable better than rated. The over current protection can trip at 5A load (This is temperature depend).
The pack was up to about 53° during my test (Measured in the pouch).

The pack can easily drive a 10W load, but 30W is a bit much (25W would probably be fine).

The pack works fine, but has a fairly low capacity.
Notes and links
The battery was supplied by Shockli for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries