Sibeile IMR18490 1100mAh (Black) 2014
Button top version
Official specifications:
- Typical Capacity: 1130mAh @ 0.2C Discharge
- Minimum capacity: 1100mAh @ 0.2C Discharge
- Nominal voltage: 3.7V
- Standard Charge: CC/CV,0.2C A, 4.20V
- Standard Discharge: CC,0.2C A, 3.00V
- End-of-charge Voltage: 4.20V±0.05V
- End-of-charge Current: 0.01C A at CV mode
- End-of-discharge Voltage: 3.00 V
- Quick Charge Current: 1100mA
- Quick Discharge Current: 11000mA
- Max Discharge Current: 22000mA
- Initial Impedance: Max:18mOhm
- Weight: Approx 32±2g
- Operating temperature: Charging 0°C~45°C, Discharging -20°C~60°C
- Storage temperature: -5°C~35°C
- Storage Humidity: 75% RH
The battery is a slightly short versions of a 18500 battery and because it is IMR it does not have protection, but can deliver a lot of current.
The two cells tracks very nicely and the capacity is independent of load.
The battery does not have enough capacity for my 5 test runs.
Flat top version
This is the flat top version of the battery.
With a slightly larger sample of the battery it can be seen that not all cells match perfectly, but it is still a good match.
The battery has very good performance at high currents, but as usual with high current batteries the capacity is on the low side.
It will rate it as an acceptable battery.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Sibeile for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries