Soshine 16340 RCR-123 700mAh (Black)
Official specifications:
- Type: Rechargeable Lithium-ion Cylindrical Cell
- The voltage of full charge & empty condition is 4.2v & 2.75v respectively
- Dimension: Ø=16.5+-0.2mm, H=33.7+-0.5mm
- C5mAh: 700
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
- Capacity Nominal: 700mAh
- Capacity Minimum: 700mAh when discharged at 0.2C5mA to 2.50V
- Recommended Charging Conditions: 100-250mA charge termination control parameters taper current 10mA at 4.1V
- Maximum continuous discharge current: 1000mA
- Service Life: 300 cycles (>=80% C5mAh)
- Weight: Approx.20g
- Internal Resistance: 80max. at 1000Hz
- Charging Voltage: 4.100+-0.05V
- Ambient Temperature Range: Charging: 0~+45, Discharging: -20~+60, Storage: -20~+40
This cell is CR123 size, but has considerable higher voltage.
The cell tracks fairly well, especially for 16340 sized cells.
These cells works fairly well at low to moderate loads, but are not high current cells.
Notes and links
Soshine has many different types of CR123 sizes LiIon cells!
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries
CR123A and rechargeable substitutes