Soshine 18650 3600mAh (Black)
Official specifications:
- Capacity: 3600mAh
- Charge and Discharge Times: Up to 1000 times
- Standard Voltage: 3.6-3.7V
- Full Charged Voltage: 4.2V
- Voltage: 3.7V
- Chemistry: Li-ion
- Rechargeable: Yes
- PCB Protected Board: Yes
High capacity LiIon batteries from Soshine.
The two cell has fairly well matched discharge curves. The over current protection trips at 5A on one of the cells, but first after just before it is empty.
The cell gets warm at 5A, but nothing serious.
When the battery is cold it can deliver about 7A before over current protection trips.
The battery looks to be good quality with a working protection. The capacity matches what you get from a 3500/3600mAh battery.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries