TrustFire TF18650 2400mAh (Flame)
Official specifications:
- Genuine 2400mAh capacity
- 3.7V 18650 battery
- Discharging and charging protection circuitry built-in
- Protective circuitry kicks in when voltage is over 4.2V while charging, 2.75V while discharging
The batteries are shipped in a small box.
The two batteries has the sam capacity, but does not hold the same voltage under load.
Energy is a combination of voltage and current and the battery with the lowest voltage will have less energy.
The battery with the lowest voltage will have the highest current draw, to keep the power constant.
The battery with the lowest voltage also has the lowest trip current.
The battery has less capacity than stated on the cell, but they both have the same capacity, i.e. they can be used in series at lower loads. The difference in voltage under load shows that there must be some variation in the cells used. The cell does not work well with a 5 ampere load.
Compared to the 2011 test of this cell, the capacity has been reduced.
For a cheap battery it is acceptable.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries