UltraFire 14500 750mAh (Black-red)
Official specifications:
- Battery Capacity (Mfg Rated): 750 mAh
- Battery Chemistry: Li-Ion
- Battery Feature: Rechargeable
- Battery Form Factor: BRC 14500
- Battery Rated Voltage: 3.7 V
This is a new series of Ultrafire batteries with protection at the top.
The battery have the rated capacity and even a bit more, but it cannot deliver that much current.
The cell has a protection circuit or at least something at the front of the battery, but looking at this curve it do not look like the protection tripped. It looks more like the voltage dropped due to overload.
Ultrafire is usual not a good brand. These cells have the rated capacity, but are not good at delivering current and the protection is doubtful.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries