Windyfire 18650 2600mAh (Green)
Official specifications:
- Brand/model: Windyfire
- Type of Battery: ICR 18650/2600mAh
- Size(mm): 18mm(Diameter) x 65mm(Length)
- Positive Shape: flat top
- Weight(g): 49±1
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7V
- Nominal Capacity: 2630mah(0.2 C Discharge)
- Minimum Capacity: 2600mah(0.2 C Discharge)
- Discharge Cut-off voltage: 3 V
- Standard Charge: 0.5 A /4.2V
- Maximum charge current: 2.6 A
- Quick Discharge Current: 5.2A
- Max Discharge Current: 7.8 A
- Initial Impedance: 40-55mOhm
- Cycle Life: 310times: discharging capacity>85%, 510times: discharging capacity>60%
- Temperature Characteristics: -10°C/0.2C >80% Capacity; 20°C/0.2C =100% Capacity;60°C/0.2C >95%* Capacity
- Charging Time: Standard charge : 5-7hours, Rapid charge : 2-3hours
- Operating environment: Charging, 0°C ~ 45°C ; 65±20%RH, Discharging, -20°C~60°C ; 65±20%RH
- Storage environment: Temp(-20°c -35°c) / Relative humidity (45-75%)
A medium capacity 18650 battery, with full specifications.
Good looking curves, the two cells tracks nicely and capacity varies only a little bit with load.
These 2600mAh cells has very good performance and I will rate them as acceptable.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Windyfire for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries