Xtar 18650 3500mAh (Blue) 2020
Official specifications:
- Nominal capacity 3500mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.6V
- Size: ø18.4mm H68.8mm
- Maximum continuous discharge current: 10A
- Cell: Panasonic-Sanoy NCR18650GA
- Protection: yes
A protected Xtar 18650 High capacity cell.
The cells are just about perfectly matches, the protection kicks in around 10A.
A good protected battery.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Xtar for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries