Led driver 17mm 3A LiIon Fasttech 4594600

The last image is from after my test.
Driver is from Fasttech.com
Official specifications
- Operating Voltage: 3-4.2 -volt
- Output Current: 3000 mA
- Flashlight Modes: Lo > Mid > Hi
- Mode Count: 3
- Mode Memory: Yes
- Cable Length: 3 cm
- Depth: 3.5 mm
- Height: 17.5 mm
- Width: 17.2 mm
- Max. output current: 3A
- 3-Mode: Low(80mA) > Mid(700mA) > Hi(3000mA)
- Diameter: 16.8mm
- Height: 3.4mm
- Driver has memory.
- A short off/on selects next mode.
- Driver uses linear regulation.
- The modes are 85mA, 0.9A, 3A
- Double click for strobe.
- There is battery warning below 3V
Test is with XM-L led

The driver can maintain full output until 3.5V, then the output starts dropping.
Being a linear driver the input and output current is the same.

Power loss in the driver depends on difference between led voltage and input voltage, with a fresh battery it may be around 2 Watt.

With 3A to the led the output power is around 10W

No PWM, only a bit of noise in the signal.
Blue line is voltage across led and yellow line is brightness measured with a photo diode.

M1: 109.1°C, M2: 130.1°C, HS1: 165.6°C
But the driver needs cooling when running in high, this was less than a minute with 4.18V in, i.e. about what a fresh and over charged battery may deliver.

M1: 81.6°C, M2: 103.9°C, HS1: 117.5°C
Dialing the voltage down to 3.88V reduces the heat some, this is again after a minute and a good battery can keep above 3.9V for 10 minutes!

The battery warning signal is fading off/on every 3. second.

At medium the output can be maintained down to about 3V

The power loss in the driver is up to 1 Watt

Power is about 3 Watt

Again the signal is smooth without any pwm.

At low the output can also be maintained down to 3V. When the low volt battery warning is activated the current drain increases.

Not much power loss in the driver at this low current.

The led gets about 0.25 Watt

Without any PWM.
A couple of fast off/on will activate strobe, it is 12Hz with 50% duty cycle

The led current is 3A in 50% of the time when in strobe mode.
The efficiency and current in curve is wrong for this mode.

Just to verify the current I used my current clamp.

This looks like a nice linear driver for 3A leds from a LiIon battery, but it need good cooling on the mosfet transistor when running in high mode.
How do I test a led driver
List of all tested drivers