Charger CottonPickers Basic 100mA

CottonPickers has been making chargers for a long time, mostly he sells them on cpfmarketplace, but you can also sometimes find them in webshops. This model here is the smallest and cheapest version, or would have been if I had selected "silver" instead of red. You can get this charger with a couple of different charge currents, I have selected the lowest standard current (i.e. 100mA), the highest current is 700mA for this model.

I got the charger together with an general instrution sheet.

Notice the small hole just outside the label, there is a red led behind this hole.
This led is red while charging and flashing red when power is connected but no battery.

The charger is practial, but the finish is not perfect.

The battery connection is with magnets, this means the charger can be connection to any size battery, but for larger batteries a lot of patience is neaded with a 100mA charge current.

The charger can be used for many sizes of LiIon cells, but due to the low charge current and termination current it is best suited for cells below 500mAh to 1000mAh.
- Without power connected there is about 1.2uA current draw from the battery.
- With power connected there is also about 1.2uA current draw from the battery.
- Below 2.9 volt the charge current is 14mA, above it will charge at full current.
- Power cycling or battery reinsertion will not restart charging.
- The charger will restart when the battery voltage drops to 3.9 volt.
With 100mA charge current I did not want to test any larger batteries, I stayed with the smaller sizes.
The 18350 get a perfect CC/CV charge, with a termination current of 10mA.
My old IMR16340 cell did also charge perfectly
The charger does a very good CC/CV charge and is very good for charging small LiIon batteries in the 100mA version.
I do not expect the higher current models to have the same nice CC/CV, they will probably run at reduced current the first part of the charge cycle (Due to heat).
Here is an explanation on how I did the above charge curves: How do I test a charger