Eizfan X6 LCD charger
This is a 6 slot charger from Eizfan (Efan) with a good selection of charge currents and support for both LiIon and NiMH, making it fairly universal.
I got the charger in a cardboard box, if has a good picture of the charger and specifications on the back.

The pack included the charger, a power supply, a car cable and a instruction sheet

The power supply is a standard plug pack.

The charger has a 12V input on the back.

And a usb output on the side for power bank usage.
The charger uses a LCD display for user interface.

Together with a single button on the back of the charger. This button will change current, turn power bank on/off and turn display on in power bank mode.

All segments are shown during power on.

No batteries in the charger, 0.5A current selected.

Charging on battery with 1A, the battery symbol is animated while charging.

The charger has specifications on the bottom.

The charger has the usual slider construction. It can handle from 31mm to 71mm, this is most common cells on the market.

The 0.5A current is a bit high for many 10440 cells. The 4A current is only for cells rated for high charge current.
Measurements charger
- Without power it will discharge a LiIon battery with up to 0.7mA
- Without power it will discharge a NiMH battery with less than 0.2mA
- A full LiIon battery will be charged with 0.6ma
- The current settings are 0.5, 1A, 2A for both LiIon and NiMH.
- LiIon also has a 4A current setting, that charges with about 3A.
- Power consumption when idle without batteries is 0.8 watt.
- Below 0.3V the charger will not detect a battery
- Up to 2V the charger assumes NiMH
- Above 2.1V the charger will assume LiIon and use selected current.
- Below 0.8V the voltage is very unprecise.
- With NiMH the voltmeter will not show above 1.55V.
- The voltmeter is within 0.03V
- Can charge 2 LiIon batteries at 4A (3A).
- Can charge 3 LiIon batteries at 2A.
- Can charge 1 to 3 NiMH batteries at 2A
- Above 3 batteries maximum charge current is 1A.
- The voltmeter will freeze when battery is full.
- Charger will not restart if battery voltage drops
- The charger will restart when a battery is inserted or power is cycled.
Charging LiIon

This is A CC/CV charge curve with about 70mA in termination current. The current regulation is not very precise, but that does not really matter.

The other 5 slots are similar.

The other cells are also handled fine.

The old cell, as expected, goes to CV phase after a short time on the charger.

For this old and worn down cell I used 0.5A charging, it works, but not much current got filled into it. The termination current is rather high for this cell, the is probably related the the bad condition (old and worn down) of the cell.

This better 14500 cell was charged fine enough.

At 2A the termination current is around 70mA

It looks like this cell got filled faster than the charger expected (Voltage hits 4.25V) and the charger reduces the current very fast and does a nice termination.

Her the charger reduces the current a bit earlier.

At 4A charge current (It is more like 3A) both the cells peaks slightly above 4.25V and the charger turns down the current very fast and do a nice termination. This gives a fast charge of the cell.

With 6 cells the current is reduced to a maximum of 1A and the charger handles all four cells nicely.

It needs around 2.5A from 12V for this.

M1: 42.3°C, M2: 45.8°C, M3: 46.5°C, M4: 45.8°C, M5: 43.2°C, M6: 38.9°C, M7: 45.0°C, HS1: 62.4°C

M1: 56.5°C, HS1: 71.3°C

The charger needs about 4 seconds to start.

The current can be changed at any time.

When not powered the charger has a small drain on the batteries.
Charging NiMH

The termination is on -dv/dt here and without any top-off or trickle charge, this is fine.

On the other slots it mostly uses voltage termination, again without any top-off or trickle charger.

The eneloopPro looks like -dv/dt termination.

With Leise it is -dv/dt, not really surprising because the final voltage is slightly lower on this cell.

The 0.5A charge curve looks fine.

The AAA cells terminate on voltage.

A full eneloop is stopped within 5 minutes due to voltage termination.

The 2A curve looks similar to the other curves, but it do heat the battery.

With 6 cells the current is limited to 1A, it looks like at least one of the eneloops used -dv/dt termination.

The current consumption from the 12V power is around 1.5A when charging 6 cells.

M1: 46.1°C, M2: 47.5°C, M3: 45.8°C, M4: 47.7°C, M5: 45.2°C, M6: 43.5°C, HS1: 66.5°C

M1: 57.2°C, HS1: 68.2°C

The charger also needs about 3 seconds to start here, as usual with NiMH the charge current is pulsed.

The current can be changed at any time.
Usb out (Power bank)
- Without power it will discharge a LiIon battery with 38mA when the power bank is on and unloaded with display off (83mA with display on).
- Usb output is off when the charger is powered.
- Display is on and shows voltage when using usb out, but backlight will turn off (Press button to turn on).
- Press button to turn USB output on/off.
- USB output is coded as Apple 2.1A

With one full battery the usb output can deliver a bit above 2A.

With 3 batteries it is increased to above 2.5A.

And with all 6 battery it is around 3A. The overload protection only turns off for a short time and then tries again.

WIth 0.5A load on the usb output one battery works fine.

And 3 batteries will give more than 3 times the runtime.

At 1A it still works fine with one battery.

But 3 batteries helps a lot with runtime.

At 2.5A the output cannot be maintained for long with 3 batteries.

Checking power consumption from the batteries with USB on, the current consumption more or less turns off at 3V.

USB output is not very stable when running unloaded.

At 0.5A the noise is 97mV rms and 529mVpp

At 1A the noise is 42mV rms and 538mVpp

At 2A (Using 6 batteries) the noise is 51mV rms and 609mVpp.
Testing with 2830 volt and 4242 volt between mains and low volt side, did not show any safety problems.
The charger handles a wide variety of cell sizes with either LiIon or NiMH chemistry, with current selection of 0.5A to 4A (two cells only) it can handle both fairly small cells and fast charge larger cells.
The power bank works fine at 1A, but has trouble at 2.5A. It has a display shows voltage of each cell when using the power bank, this is nice function. The coding on the USB output is not very good, automatic or DCP would have been much better.
I will rate the charger is good.
The charger was supplied by Eizfan (Efan) for review.
Here is an explanation on how I did the above charge curves: How do I test a charger