Charger Golisi Needle 2
This is one of Golisis simple chargers, it can only charger LiIon batteries and it can basically handle any size, this also means it is on the slow side for large batteries.
I got it in a cardboard box with specifications on the outside.
It contained the charger, a usb cable and the instruction sheet.
The charger is usb powered and fairly low power with a maximum current of 1A.
There is not much user interface, behind the bar is two red and green leds, one for each slot. It is red while charging and green at other times.

The specifications are on the back of the charger and easy readable.
The charger can handle both button top and flat top batteries.
The slider moves smoothly and can hand cells from 32.5mm to 71.7mm long.

The charger can handle 71 mm long batteries, including flat top cells.
The 0.5A charge current is a bit high for a normal 10440 cell, but fine if it is a high current cell.
Measurements charger
- Power consumption when idle without a battery is 5.1mA from usb
- From 0V to 2.75V the charger will charge with 50mA
- Above 2.75V it will use regular charge current (0.5A).
- When charge is finished the charger will discharge with less than 0.1mA.
- Charger will restart if voltage drops to 4 volt.
- Charge will restart charging after power loss, but not battery insertion when battery is above 4V.
- When not connected to power it will drain less than 0.1mA from a battery.

The charge curve is a CC/CV with a termination of about 80mA.

The second channel looks similar.

A couple of other batteries also looks fine, even a old battery is charged nicely.

This old worn down battery is also charged nicely.

A 14500 cell is charged nicely.

With two batteries the usb current is 1A and the two cells are each charged with 0.5A

Simulating a long cable or weak charger slows the charging down, but it is still a good charge.

M1: 35.5°C, M2: 35.8°C, HS1: 50.3°C

HS1: 49.6°C

The charger is a simple charger and starts very fast.

The charger discharges a battery with a very low current when not powered.

The charge profile is simple and works fine.

This charger handles unstable voltage supply nicely.
There is not much to say about this charger, it is simple and works nicely for most LiIon batteries, for larger batteries some patience is required.
It is a good charger.
The charger was supplied by Golisi for a review.
Here is an explanation on how I did the above charge curves: How do I test a charger