Beamshot of 17 big lights, April 2010
This beamshot comparison is between HID and big led lights, it has 3 set of pictures at different distances. For RRT-3 and D30 v2 see Beamshot of 9 big lights, June 2010, For TK45 and Catapult II see Beamshot of 8 big lights, Juli 2010

The following lights are included (Same sequence as pictures): Titanium L30, Titanium L35, Titanium L70, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50, OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W, Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40, ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X, JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, EagleTac M2XC4 warm.
Some lights are special versions: Legion II MCE is SE edition, Xtar D30 is ver 1, JetBeam M1X is ver 1. Both Xtar and JetBeam have higher output in the current version.
Note: This article only contains small pictures, to get larger pictures click on the lights name in the section with the lights.

This graph measures the brigtness of the light, it is done with a ceiling bounce. The HID light sends out a lot of light, but two led lights are closing in, the SR90 and the D30. The Maglite 6D cannot match any of these lights in output.

In this graph I have collect all brightness levels, HID lights only have one level or two very close levels. Led light has much larger range in their levels.

Measuring the brightness at 4 meters, gives an idea of throw, again the HID are very good, only the SR90 and the DEFT can play in this range.
When comparing this graph to the beamshot pictures, there is a discrepancy, this can best be seen when comparing the beamshots from SR90 and Warrior. In the beamshot SR90 wins, here Warrior wins? I do not know the reason for this, maybe it is because the spectral sensitivity of the light meter does not match the eye and maybe it is because the beamshots are from much longer distances?
Beamprofile with high output
Titanium L30, Titanium L30 + diffuser, Titanium L35

Titanium L35 + diffuser, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 + diffuser

Titanium L70 + wide focus, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40

ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X

JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, OLight M30 Triton +diffuser

EagleTac M2XC4 warm.

Beamprofile reduced exposure
With reduced exposure it is easier to compare the intensity of the hotspot.
Titanium L30, Titanium L30 + diffuser, Titanium L35

Titanium L35 + diffuser, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 + diffuser

Titanium L70 + wide focus, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40

ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X

JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, OLight M30 Triton +diffuser

EagleTac M2XC4 warm.

Beamprofile low output
This is the lowest output from the different lights. Some lights only has one level and will use the same picture as above. For lights with a really low brightness the picture will not show any beam.
Titanium L30, Titanium L30 + diffuser, Titanium L35

Titanium L35 + diffuser, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 + diffuser

Titanium L70 + wide focus, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40

ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X

JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, OLight M30 Triton +diffuser

EagleTac M2XC4 warm.

Medium distance
In these pictures I have pointed the lights on the trees, but for some lights the trees are too far away and the beam can only be seen on the grass.
Titanium L30, Titanium L30 + diffuser, Titanium L35

Titanium L35 + diffuser, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 + diffuser

Titanium L70 + wide focus, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40

ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X

JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, OLight M30 Triton +diffuser

EagleTac M2XC4 warm.

Long distance
Again I have aimed the light at some trees, but this time I have skipped all the diffuser shots and many lights are too weak to register on the camera at this distance with the selected exposure.
Titanium L35, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 low

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Microfire Warrior III

Long distance, increased exposure
Same as above, but with exposure increased two stops, this makes all beams visible. The ambient light is also a factor, check the "Dark reference" picture at the bottom.
Titanium L30, Titanium L30 + diffuser, Titanium L35

Titanium L35 + diffuser, Titanium L70, Titanium L70 low

Titanium L70 + wide focus, Legion II MC-E, Legion II SST50

OMG DEFT, OLight SR90, Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

Microfire Warrior III, Xtar D30 Howitzer, Fenix TK40

ThruNite Catapult, Maglite 6D, JetBeam M1X

JetBeam M2S, OLight M30 Triton, OLight M30 Triton +diffuser

EagleTac M2XC4 warm.

Dark reference

Titanium L30

This is a small HID light with 2 levels and a build in battery. The light is supplied with a diffuser. My copy of the light has a focus problem, there is a big hole in the middle of the beam.
Beam profile low and high:

Beam profile low and high with diffuser:

Medium distance low and high:

Medium distance low and high with diffuser:

Long distance high:

Titanium L35

A HID and led light with a build in battery. It is possible to buy a diffuser as accessory.
Beam profile led, HID and HID with diffuser:

Medium distance led, HID and HID with diffuser:
Long distance HID:

Titanium L70

A HID light with a build in battery. The light has two levels and a focus lever and is supplied with a diffuser.
See my review of the light here.
Beam profile low and high:

Beam profile low and high with wide focus:

Beam profile low and high with diffuser:

Medium distance low and high:

Medium distance low and high with wide focus:

Medium distance low and high with diffuser:

Long distance low and high:

Legion II MC-E

A MC-E led light that uses 3x18650 batteries and uses a ring to turn on/off and select levels. My version is the original special edition.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

Legion II SST50

A SST-50 led light that uses 3x18650 batteries and uses a ring to turn on/off and select levels.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:


This light uses a rather weak led (compared to the other lights), but uses a lens to focus the light into a very tight spot. It uses four AA batteries (I have loaded it with lithium) and a simple on/off switch.
Beam profile:
Medium distance:

Long distance:

OLight SR90

The first production light to use the SST-90 led. This led is the same size as an MC-E led, but can take much more power and produce much more light. The light has two levels and a build in battery.
Read my Danish review of it here.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance low and high:

Long distance high:

Wolf Eyes Boxer 24W

A small HID light that uses 3x18650 batteries.
Beam profile:
Medium distance:

Long distance:

Microfire Warrior III

A HID light with build in battery.
Beam profile:
Medium distance:

Long distance:

Xtar D30 Howitzer

A light with 3 MC-E leds and 3 levels, selection is done by turning the head. This light is from the test production run and has been replaced by a new model with higher output and better construction.
Read my Danish review of it here.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

Fenix TK40

A MC-E light that runs on eight AA batteries, the light has 4 levels and 4 blinking modes. Selection is done by pressing codes on the tail switch.
Read my Danish review of it here.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

ThruNite Catapult

A SST-50 light with 3 levels and strobe, it can run on multiple battery configuration, here I am using 2x18650. The light will always turn on in high, a quick off/on will select next level.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

Maglite 6D

This is an old incandescent light with 6 D batteries, it is hopeless outclassed in output here.
Beam profile:

Medium distance:

Long distance:

JetBeam M1X

A MC-E light designed for throw, it can run on multiple battery configuration, here I am using 2x18650. The light has two settings, with tight head it is at full power, with lose head it can be adjusted to just about anything. My version is from the first production run, newer lights have higher output.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

JetBeam M2S

A SST-50 light designed for throw, it can run on multiple battery configuration, here I am using 2x18650. The light has two settings, with tight head it is at full power, with lose head it has 2 levels and a strobe. To prevent overheating this light will not stay at full power for more than 3 minutes and then it goes down to medium. A quick off/on will bring it back to full again.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high:

OLight M30 Triton

This light has 3 levels and strobe, the selection is done with the side switch, on/off with the tail switch. The light can use multiple battery configurations, I am using 2x18500 to get a compact light.
Read my Danish review of it here.
Beam profile low, high and high with diffuser:

Medium distance high and high with diffuser:

Long distance high:

EagleTac M2XC4 warm

The light uses 3 XR-E warm leds and 4 levels and strobe, the selection is done with a ring around the head. The light can either uses 4xCR123 or 2x18650 batteries, I uses 2x18650.
Beam profile low and high:

Medium distance high:

Long distance high: