24 Beamshots, August 2009
This beamshot collection has many different sizes of flashlights, this is because these beamshots was taken to be used in 5 different (Danish) reviews: Fenix TA21, 4Sevens Quark AA-2, 4Sevens Quark 123-2, NiteCore EZ CR2 and NiteCore EZ CR123.

I have included the following lights in this comparison (Same sequence as picture): NiteCore EZ CR2, NiteCore EZ CR123, NiteCore EZ AA, NiteCore EX10, NiteCore D20, 4Sevens Quark 123, 4Sevens Quark AA, 4Sevens Quark 123-2 tactical warm, 4Sevens Quark AA-2 warm, Fenix E20, Fenix P1D, Fenix P3D, Fenix LD01, Fenix TK11, Fenix TK20, Fenix TA21, Fenix TA30, OLight T25 Tactical, JetBeam RRT2-Raptor, SureFire 6P+P60, Lummi Raw, Muyshondt Aeon, SolarForce L2 (R2 1.mode) and OLight M30-Triton.

First graphic is showing the maximal output of the lights, the light with the quad emitter easily wins here. The lights with small batteries are the weakest, especially if they are designed for alkaline batteries, the Raw, that is only designed for LiIon can keep up with much bigger lights (At least for a short time).

In this graphic I have collected all levels (Except for TA21), this show how large a range each light covers and how many settings it has and the step size between settings (I prefer if the step size is the same between all levels, except the two highest levels might have a smaller step size)*. Quark and some NiteCore lights has the largest range, NiteCore uses a continuously variable adjustment, Quark has 5 settings.
*Equal steps on the graphic will look like equal brightness change to the eye. The reason the two highest levels might be closer is runtime, a small decrease in brightness will extend the runtime considerably at high brightness settings.

The last graphic shows the brightness two meters from the light, a high value makes the light a thrower that can throw the light far away. This value is very depend on the optical system in the light (i.e. reflector). M30, that is the most powerful light, it not designed for throw, but due to the huge amount of light, it has a decent throw. RRT-2 is much more a thrower, it has only 1/3 the light output of M30, but throws the light further (But can only light a small area). LD01, Raw and Aeon are designed for close work, they do not throw much.
Maximum brightness setting
NiteCore EZ CR2, NiteCore EZ CR123, NiteCore EZ AA:
NiteCore EX10, NiteCore D20, 4Sevens Quark 123:
4Sevens Quark AA LiIon, 4Sevens Quark AA NiMH, 4Sevens Quark 123-2 tactical warm:
4Sevens Quark AA-2 warm, Fenix E20, Fenix P1D:
Fenix P3D, Fenix LD01, Fenix TK11:
Fenix TK20, Fenix TA21, Fenix TA30:
OLight T25 Tactical, JetBeam RRT2-Raptor, SureFire 6P+P60:
Lummi Raw, Muyshondt Aeon, SolarForce L2 (R2 1.mode):
OLight M30-Triton:

Maximum brightness setting, reduced exposure
The reduced exposure makes it possible to see differences in the hotspot.
NiteCore EZ CR2, NiteCore EZ CR123, NiteCore EZ AA:
NiteCore EX10, NiteCore D20, 4Sevens Quark 123:
4Sevens Quark AA LiIon, 4Sevens Quark AA NiMH, 4Sevens Quark 123-2 tactical warm:
4Sevens Quark AA-2 warm, Fenix E20, Fenix P1D:
Fenix P3D, Fenix LD01, Fenix TK11:
Fenix TK20, Fenix TA21, Fenix TA30:
OLight T25 Tactical, JetBeam RRT2-Raptor, SureFire 6P+P60:
Lummi Raw, Muyshondt Aeon, SolarForce L2 (R2 1.mode):
OLight M30-Triton:

Minimum brightness setting
This is the lowest brightness that can be selected, on one level lights it will be the same as maximum brightness. Some lights has a very low settings, that does not register on the pictures.
NiteCore EZ CR2, NiteCore EZ CR123, NiteCore EZ AA:
NiteCore EX10, NiteCore D20, 4Sevens Quark 123:
4Sevens Quark AA LiIon, 4Sevens Quark AA NiMH, 4Sevens Quark 123-2 tactical warm:
4Sevens Quark AA-2 warm, Fenix E20, Fenix P1D:
Fenix P3D, Fenix LD01, Fenix TK11:
Fenix TK20, Fenix TA21, Fenix TA30:
OLight T25 Tactical, JetBeam RRT2-Raptor, SureFire 6P+P60:
Lummi Raw, Muyshondt Aeon, SolarForce L2 (R2 1.mode):
OLight M30-Triton:

NiteCore EZ CR2

A two level light, with twist for on low, twist more for on high, it uses one CR2 battery.
My Danish review: NiteCore EZ CR2
Low, high


NiteCore EZ CR123

A two level light, with twist for on low, twist more for on high, it uses one CR123 battery.
My Danish review: NiteCore EZ CR123
Low, high


NiteCore EZ AA

A two level light, with twist for on low, twist more for on high, it uses one AA battery.
My Danish review: NiteCore EZ AA
Low, high


NiteCore EX10

This light has continuously variable adjustment and uses a CR123 battery.
Min., max.


NiteCore D20

This light has continuously variable adjustment and uses 2xAA batteries.
Min., max.



Quark 123

This light has two groups of output, they are selected with loose/tight head, the on/off button is used to step through the levels in a group.
My Danish review: 4Sevens Quark 123
Moonlight, low, medium

High, turbo






Quark AA

This light has two groups of output, they are selected with loose/tight head, the on/off button is used to step through the levels in a group.
My Danish review: 4Sevens Quark AA
Moonlight, low, medium with LiIon

High, turbo with LiIon

Moonlight, low, medium with NiMH

High, turbo with NiMH

Moonlight with LiIon
Low with LiIon
Medium with LiIon
High with LiIon
Turbo with LiIon
Moonlight with NiMH
Low with NiMH
Medium with NiMH
High with NiMH
Turbo with NiMH
Quark 123-2 tactical warm

Two level light, loose head is one level, tight head is the other level, a forwards switch is used for on/off. The two levels can be programmed to one of eight predefined levels/modes. The light uses 2xCR123 batteries.
My Danish review: 4Sevens Quark 123-2
Moonlight, low, medium

High, turbo






Quark AA-2 warm

This light has two groups of output, they are selected with loose/tight head, the on/off button is used to step through the levels in a group.
My Danish review: 4Sevens Quark AA-2
Moonlight, low, medium

High, Turbo

Fenix E20

A single level 2xAA light.

Fenix P1D

This light must be twisted to turn on, to change level twist off/on, it uses one CR123 battery.
Low, medium, high


Fenix P3D

This light has two groups of output, they are selected with loose/tight head, the on/off button is used to step through the levels in a group. It uses 2xCR123 batteries.
Low, medium, high





Fenix LD01

This light must be twisted to turn on, to change level twist off/on, it uses one AAA battery.
I have written more about the light here: A look at AAA flashlights
Low, medium, high


Fenix TK11

Two level light, loose head is low, tight head is high, a forwards switch is used for on/off. The light uses 2xCR123 or 18650 batteries, measurements was done with 18650 batteries.
Low, high



Fenix TK20

Two level light, loose head is low, tight head is high, a forwards switch is used for on/off. The light uses 2xAA batteries.
Low, high


Fenix TA21

This light uses a ring to select between 9 levels and can run on 2xCR123 or 18650 battery, measuremets was done with 2xCR123
My Danish review: Fenix TA21
low, #3, #5:

#7, high:






Fenix TA30

This light uses a ring to select between 3 levels and runs on 3xCR123
My Danish review: Fenix TA30
Low, medium, high:




OLight T25 Tactical

Twist head loose/tight to change level, the light uses 2xAA batteries.
Low, medium, high




JetBeam RRT-2 Raptor

The light uses 2XCR123 or 18650 batteries and brightness is selected with a ring, measurements was done with 18650.
My Danish review: JetBeam RRT-2 Raptor
Low, medium, high




SureFire 6p+60P

This light uses a incandescent bulb and 2xCR123 batteries, it is possible to buy led modules for it.

Lummi Raw

A two level light, with twist for on low, twist more for on high, it uses a small LiIon battery.
I have written more about the light here: A look at small flashlights
Low, high


Muyshondt Aeon

This light looks like the EZ lights, but is more solid and exist in different color and a titanium version.
I have written more about the light here: A look at small flashlights
Low, high


SolarForce L2

This light can be bought/build in many different configurations, the body is called L2 or L2m, then a emitter module has to be added (single or multilevel) and it is also possible to get different tailcaps and bezel.
I have done the test with a "SolarForce R2 1 level" emitter, this module is supposed to work on both 18650 and 2xCR123, I did the measurements on 18650, where it does not reach full output.

OLight M30

This light has a quad led and can use many different battery configurations, I have done my measurements with 2x18650 batteries.
My Danish review: OLight M30 Triton
Low, medium, high:

