Beamshot of AAA lights, Juli 2011
This time I have include many new lights, including some cheap ones. Like the Marts 2011 beamshot, most of these lights are in some shine metal. For some of the lights I have included multiple versions of the light, i.e. both cool and neutral emitter.
Some other AAA beamshots: Marts 2011, October 2010, July 2010, Juni 2010, January 2010, ITP A3 EOS and Maratac AAA comparison, AAA flashlights

I have included the following lights (Same sequence as picture): 4Sevens ReVO S2, 4Sevens ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4, DQG II R5, UltraFire A2, N-Light B3, Yezl S7, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6, Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu.
All lights has been tested with NiMH (eneloop) batteries and a few also with a 10440 LiIon battery.

This chart shows the total light output measured with a ceiling bounce. Using LiIon does increase the output considerable. The ReVO and LD01 has the highest output on NiMH batteries. The MaraTac has a disadvantage of using a older led and can not match the other lights for brightness.

Many of the lights has 3 brightness settings with good spread between, especially the low is very low for some lights. The Univex looses all modes when using LiIon batteries.

These small lights can not be throwers, but there is some difference in the focusing. The Univex with TIR has a wider beam than the reflector version. Using a LiIon battery will increase the throw, because the total light output is increased.

A few of the stainless steel lights are on the heavy side, but most lights keeps the weight around 30 gram including a battery.

In this table I have summarized the abilities of the lights. Some of the ligts exists in versions with different led and also in different materials. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: Head: Loose/tight head, TS: Tail switch, ETS:Electronic tail switch. The LMH (Low, Medium, High) is the brightness sequence.

The Univex is a titanium light, making the price considerabel higher than the other lights. The black bars are lights that is not sold anymore.
Beam profile, high power
4Sevens Preon ReVO S2, 4Sevens Preon ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR

Univex Titanium AAA TIR LiIon, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector LiIon

D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4 (neutral), DQG II R5 (cool)

UltraFire A2, N-Light B3 (cool), Yezl S7
Yezl S7 LiIon, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6

Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu

Beam profile, high power, reduced exposure
The reduced exposure makes it easier to compare the hotspot.
4Sevens Preon ReVO S2, 4Sevens Preon ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR

Univex Titanium AAA TIR LiIon, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector LiIon

D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4 (neutral), DQG II R5 (cool)

UltraFire A2, N-Light B3 (cool), Yezl S7
Yezl S7 LiIon, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6

Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu

Beam profile, lowest setting
Single level lights uses the same picture as above.
4Sevens Preon ReVO S2, 4Sevens Preon ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR

Univex Titanium AAA TIR LiIon, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector LiIon

D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4 (neutral), DQG II R5 (cool)

UltraFire A2, N-Light B3 (cool), Yezl S7
Yezl S7 LiIon, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6

Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu

Beam profile, lowest setting, increased exposure
Increasing the exposure makes it easier to compare the low settings.
4Sevens Preon ReVO S2, 4Sevens Preon ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR

Univex Titanium AAA TIR LiIon, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector LiIon

D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4 (neutral), DQG II R5 (cool)

UltraFire A2, N-Light B3 (cool), Yezl S7
Yezl S7 LiIon, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6

Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu

Dark reference:

Tree at 12 meters
4Sevens Preon ReVO S2, 4Sevens Preon ReVO (neutral), Univex Titanium AAA TIR

Univex Titanium AAA TIR LiIon, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector, Univex Titanium AAA Reflector LiIon

D.Q.G Tiny AAA, DQG II R4 (neutral), DQG II R5 (cool)

UltraFire A2, N-Light B3 (cool), Yezl S7
Yezl S7 LiIon, Klarus Mi10, Klarus MiX6

Fenix LD01 SS 2010, MaraTac AAA Cu

4Sevens Preon ReVO

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, High S2 version:

Low, medium, High neutral version:

Tree at 12 meters, S2 and neutral version:

Univex Titanium AAA

Low, medium, High TIR with NiMH battery:

Low, medium, High reflector with NiMH battery:

High TIR and reflector version with LiIon battery:

Tree at 12 meter TIR with NiMH and LiIon battery:

Tree at 12 meter reflector with NiMH and LiIon battery:

D.Q.G Tiny AAA

Low, High:

Tree at 12 meter:


Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, High R4 neutral version:

Low, High R5 cool version:

Tree at 12 meter R4 neutral and R5 cool:

UltraFire A2


Tree at 12 meter:

N-Light B3 (cool)

Low, High:

Tree at 12 meter:

Yezl S7

Low, medium, High with NiMH battery:

Low, medium, High with LiIon battery:

Tree at 12 meter NiMH and LiIon battery:

Klarus Mi10

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, High:

Tree at 12 meter:

Klarus MiX6

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, High:

Tree at 12 meter:

Fenix LD01 SS 2010

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, High:

Tree at 12 meter:

MaraTac AAA Cu

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my Danish review or the first MaraTac AAA light.
Low, medium, High:

Tree at 12 meter: