Beamshot 13 lights, September 2011

This collection of beamshots includes lights from below 400 lumes to about 800 lumens, with the exception of the M20 S2 all the lights uses the XM-L led.
For more beamshots or large lights see: Beamshot of 14 big lights, August 2011, Beamshot of 12 big lights, Marts 2011
For more beamshots of midsized to large lights see: Beamshot of 8 light with 18650 battery, Juli 2011, Beamshot of 8 lights, June 2011, Beamshot of 7 Fenix and 6 other lights, May 2011


The following lights are included (Same sequence as pictures): Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X, Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35, ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40, JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L, Sunwayman V20C.

A few notes:
The M20 Titanium was used as a host for testing the XML-U module.
SR51 was tested with CR123 batteries
PA40 was tested with 2000 mAh Eneloop batteries
All other lights was tested with 18650 batteries


This is the total light output measured with a ceiling bounce. The lights with two 18650 batteries has the highest output. The lowest output is from the M20 with XP-G led, but the XM-L upgrade module for that lights is not much better.


A few of these lights has a very low mode. Lights with 3+ modes does have a large range in brigthness, the two level light are more limited.


Here I have measured lux at 4 meters to get a estimate of throw. A large reflector does improve throw, a high lumen output will also help, but it not enough.


The batteries has a large influence on weight, but with these light there is also some significant difference in construction that influence the weight.


In this table I have tried to collect the key features of each light. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: TS: Tail switch, ETS: Electronic tail switch, ESS: Electronic side switch, Head: Loosing/tighten the head is used in the ui, Ring: a ring is used to select mode, Tail: The tail is used to select modes.


Beamprofile with high output

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9133a DSC_9136a DSC_9139a

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9141a DSC_9145a DSC_9149a

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9152a DSC_9154a DSC_9156a

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9160a DSC_9163a DSC_9168a

Sunwayman V20C:

Beamprofile with high output, reduced exposure

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9133b DSC_9136b DSC_9139b

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9141b DSC_9145b DSC_9149b

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9152b DSC_9154b DSC_9156b

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9160b DSC_9163b DSC_9168b

Sunwayman V20C:

Lowest setting

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9131a DSC_9134a DSC_9137a

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9140a DSC_9142a DSC_9146a

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9150a DSC_9153a DSC_9155a

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9157a DSC_9161a DSC_9164a

Sunwayman V20C:

Lowest setting, increased exposure

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9131c DSC_9134c DSC_9137c

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9140c DSC_9142c DSC_9146c

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9150c DSC_9153c DSC_9155c

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9157c DSC_9161c DSC_9164c

Sunwayman V20C:

Tree at 15 meter

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9175a DSC_9176a DSC_9177a

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9178a DSC_9179a DSC_9180a

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9181a DSC_9182a DSC_9183a

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9184a DSC_9185a DSC_9186a

Sunwayman V20C:

Dark reference:

Trees at 140 meter

Olight M20S S2, M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body, Olight M21-X:
DSC_9193a DSC_9194a DSC_9195a

Olight SR51, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35:
DSC_9196a DSC_9197a DSC_9199a

ThruNite Scorpion, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L, JetBeam BC40:
DSC_9200a DSC_9201a DSC_9202a

JetBeam PA40, Balder BD-4, Eagletac M3C4 XM-L:
DSC_9203a DSC_9204a DSC_9205a

Sunwayman V20C:

Dark reference:

Olight M20S S2

Low, medium, high:
DSC_9131a DSC_9132a DSC_9133a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9175a DSC_9193a

M20 XML-U module in M20 Titanium body

Low, medium, high:
DSC_9134a DSC_9135a DSC_9136a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9176a DSC_9194a

Olight M21-X

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_9137a DSC_9138a DSC_9139a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9177a DSC_9195a

Olight SR51

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, high:
DSC_9140a DSC_9141a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9178a DSC_9196a

Fenix TK21

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_9142a DSC_9143a DSC_9144a


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9179a DSC_9197a

Fenix TK35

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_9146a DSC_9147a DSC_9148a


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9180a DSC_9199a

ThruNite Scorpion

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_9150a DSC_9151a DSC_9152a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9181a DSC_9200a

ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, high:
DSC_9153a DSC_9154a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9182a DSC_9201a

JetBeam BC40

Low, high:
DSC_9155a DSC_9156a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9183a DSC_9202a

JetBeam PA40

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_9157a DSC_9158a DSC_9159a


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9184a DSC_9203a

Balder BD-4

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_9161a DSC_9162a DSC_9163a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9185a DSC_9204a

Eagletac M3C4 XM-L

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_9164a DSC_9165a DSC_9166a

#4, High:
DSC_9167a DSC_9168a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9186a DSC_9205a

Sunwayman V20C

This light uses a ring to adjust the brightness, the beamshots shows the minimum and maximum positions of the ring, any brightness level inbetween can be selected.

Low, high:
DSC_9169a DSC_9170a

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:
DSC_9187a DSC_9206a


Most of the small beamshot pictures can be clicked for a larger version. To compare beamshots, open the larger picture in different tabs, then switch between tabs to see the difference.