Beamshot of 7 Fenix and 6 other lights, May 2011

This collection of beamshots is about Fenix lights, but includes some other for comparison. The new lights in this collection of beamshots are: Fenix TK21 and Fenix TK41.
Some other comparisons are: Beamshot of 12 big lights, Marts 2011, Beamshot of 14 big lights, September 2010, Beamshot of 17 big lights, April 2010, Beamshot 9 big lights, June 2010 and Beamshot 8 big lights, June 2010


The following lights are included (Same sequence as pictures): Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45, Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton, JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L, 4Sevens Maelstrom S12.

A few notes:
S12 is not a stabilized light, i.e. output will drop after a few minutes, all beamshots are done with freshly charged batteries and before output starts dropping.
All lights was loaded with rechargeable batteries: 18650, 32650 or AA.


In this comparison the S12 has dropped in output and cannot match the bigger lights. The Fenix TK35 and TK41 is about the same output, but with different types of batteries.


Here is all the brightness settings in one graph. On all the Fenix lights there is 3 high levels with even steps between and the low. Most of the other lights do not have a low level.


Here I have measured lux at 4 meters to get a estimate of throw. The TK41 has a lot of throw, this is a much more focused reflector than any of the other Fenix lights. The TK45 and S12 may have lot of light, but it is not focused for throw.


The 3 Fenix lights with 8xAA batteries are the heaviest lights. The TK15 and TK21 with 1x18650 is the lightest and the 2x18650 lights are in between.
Note: The weight includes batteries.


In this table I have tried to collect the key features of each light. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: TS: Tail switch, ETS: Electronic tail switch, SS: Side switch, ESS: Electronic side switch, Ring: A ring is used in the ui, Tail: Loosing/tighten the tail is used in the ui.


I have checked some US websites for a price estimate of the different lights.

Beamprofile with high output

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7065a DSC_7069a DSC_7073a

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7077a DSC_7081a DSC_7085a

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7089a DSC_7092a DSC_7095a

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7098a DSC_7099a DSC_7104a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Beamprofile with high output, reduced exposure

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7065b DSC_7069b DSC_7073b

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7077b DSC_7081b DSC_7085b

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7089b DSC_7092b DSC_7095b

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7098b DSC_7099b DSC_7104b

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Lowest setting
Single level lights will use same pictures as above.

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7062a DSC_7066a DSC_7070a

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7074a DSC_7078a DSC_7082a

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7086a DSC_7090a DSC_7093a

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7096a DSC_7099a DSC_7100a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Lowest setting, increased exposure

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7062c DSC_7066c DSC_7070c

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7074c DSC_7078c DSC_7082c

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7086c DSC_7090c DSC_7093c

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7096c DSC_7099c DSC_7100c

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Dark reference:

Tree at 12 meter

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7114a DSC_7115a DSC_7116a

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7117a DSC_7118a DSC_7119a

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7120a DSC_7121a DSC_7122a

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7123a DSC_7124a DSC_7125a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L with diffuser
DSC_7126a DSC_7128a

Dark reference:

Trees at 140 meters

Fenix TK15, Fenix TK21, Fenix TK35
DSC_7132a DSC_7133a DSC_7134a

Fenix TK40, Fenix TK41, Fenix TK45
DSC_7135a DSC_7136a DSC_7137a

Fenix LD40, Sunwayman M40A, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_7138a DSC_7139a DSC_7140a

JetBeam M1XM, Crelant 7G3, EagleTac M3C4 XM-L
DSC_7141a DSC_7142a DSC_7143a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Dark reference:

Fenix TK15

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7062a DSC_7063a DSC_7064a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7114a DSC_7132a

Fenix TK21

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7066a DSC_7067a DSC_7068a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7115a DSC_7133a

Fenix TK35

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7070a DSC_7071a DSC_7072a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7116a DSC_7134a

Fenix TK40

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my Danish review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7074a DSC_7075a DSC_7076a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7117a DSC_7135a

Fenix TK41

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7078a DSC_7079a DSC_7080a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7118a DSC_7136a

Fenix TK45

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7082a DSC_7083a DSC_7084a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7119a DSC_7137a

Fenix LD40

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7086a DSC_7087a DSC_7088a


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7120a DSC_7138a

Sunwayman M40A

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_7090a DSC_7091a DSC_7092a

Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7121a DSC_7139a

Olight M31 Triton

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_7093a DSC_7094a DSC_7095a

Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7122a DSC_7140a

JetBeam M1XM

Low, medium, high:
DSC_7096a DSC_7097a DSC_7098a

Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7123a DSC_7141a

Crelant 7G3


Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7124a DSC_7142a

EagleTac M3C4 XM-L

This light exists with many different led options and each option will have different beam profile and different brightness.

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_7100a DSC_7101a DSC_7102a

#4, High:
DSC_7103a DSC_7104a

Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter, Tree 12 meter with diffuser:
DSC_7125a DSC_7143a DSC_7128a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, high:
DSC_7105a DSC_7106a

Tree 12 meter, Trees at 140 meter:
DSC_7126a DSC_7144a


Most of the small beamshot pictures can be clicked for a larger version. To compare beamshots, open the larger picture in different tabs, then switch between tabs to see the difference.