Beamshot of 12 big lights, Marts 2011

This collection of beamshots contains some new lights compared to my other beamshot comparisons: ElektroLumens Blaster-NG, 4Sevens S12, Crelant 7G3 XML T6 and JetBeam M1XM.
Some other comparisons are: Beamshot of 14 big lights, September 2010, Beamshot of 17 big lights, April 2010, Beamshot 9 big lights, June 2010 and Beamshot 8 big lights, June 2010


The following lights are included (Same sequence as pictures): Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG, 4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40, Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton, JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L.

A few notes:
S12 and Blaster-NG are not stabilized lights, especially S12 has a very variable maximum output, all beamshots are done with freshly charged batteries, i.e. they are both at about maximum output.
Crelant 7G3 is used in the short configuration, this reduces the maximum brightness slightly.
OLight M31, JetBeam M1XM and ThruNite Catapult is used in long configuration.
All lights was loaded with rechargeable batteries: 18650, 32650, AA and D cells, depending on light.


The SR90 is the light with highest brightness, but the Blaster-NG is not far behind. The S12 uses the same led as SR90, SR91 and Blaster-NG, but does not use the full potential of the led.
Usual I do the test after the lights has run for a minute or two, but for the Blaster-NG and S12 I used another procedure. The blue bar is immediately after turn on, the red is after about 15 minutes.


With all the brightness settings in one graph, it can be seen that there is a huge difference in number of levels and what brightness the different lights support.


Here I have measured lux at 4 meters to get a estimate of throw. The best thrower is the SR90, but SR91 is also a good thrower. The Blaster-NG with its smaller reflector is not really a thrower and neither is the S12.


Some of these lights are rather heavy. The 3 brightest lights are also the heaviest lights. The S12 is light, especially for the brightness it has.
Note: The weight includes batteries.


In this table I have tried to collect the key features of each light. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: TS: Tail switch, MTS: Momentary tail switch, ETS: Electronic tail switch, SS: Side switch, ESS: Electronic side switch, Head: Loosing/tighten the head is used in the ui, Ring: A ring is used in the ui, Tail: Loosing/tighten the tail is used in the ui.
The S12 uses a 32650 battery, this is not a common LiIon size, but it is possible to get spares and the spares are considerable cheaper than spares for SR90 and SR91.
I have collected beamshots from M40C and other lights with colors in Beamshots colors, August 2010


I have checked some US websites for a price estimate of the different lights.

Beamprofile with high output

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6579a DSC_6581a DSC_6582a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6584a DSC_6588a DSC_6592a

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6595a DSC_6596a DSC_6599a

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6602a DSC_6606a DSC_6609a

Beamprofile with high output, reduced exposure

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6579b DSC_6581b DSC_6582b

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6584b DSC_6588b DSC_6592b

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6595b DSC_6596b DSC_6599b

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6602b DSC_6606b DSC_6609b

Lowest setting
Single level lights will use same pictures as above.

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6578a DSC_6580a DSC_6582a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6583a DSC_6585a DSC_6589a

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6593a DSC_6596a DSC_6597a

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6600a DSC_6603a DSC_6608a

Lowest setting, increased exposure

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6578c DSC_6580c DSC_6582c

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6583c DSC_6585c DSC_6589c

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6593c DSC_6596c DSC_6597c

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6600c DSC_6603c DSC_6608c

Tree at 12.5 meter

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6612a DSC_6613a DSC_6614a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6615a DSC_6616a DSC_6617a

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6618a DSC_6620a DSC_6621a

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6621a DSC_6623a DSC_6624a

Tree at long distance
I believe the distance was 130 meter, but the naked trees did give my laster distance meter some trouble.

Olight SR90, Olight SR91, ElektroLumens Blaster-NG
DSC_6628a DSC_6629a DSC_6630a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12, Fenix TK35, Fenix TK40
DSC_6631a DSC_6632a DSC_6633a

Sunwayled M40C, Crelant 7G3 XML T6, Olight M31 Triton
DSC_6634a DSC_6635a DSC_6636a

JetBeam M1XM, 4Sevens Maelstrom G5, ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L
DSC_6637a DSC_6638a DSC_6639a

Dark reference:

Olight SR90

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my Danish review

Low, High:
DSC_6578a DSC_6579a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6612a DSC_6628a

Olight SR91

Low, High:
DSC_6580a DSC_6581a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6613a DSC_6629a

ElektroLumens Blaster-NG


Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6614a DSC_6630a

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, High:
DSC_6583a DSC_6584a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6615a DSC_6631a

Fenix TK35

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_6585a DSC_6586a DSC_6587a


Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6616a DSC_6632a

Fenix TK40

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my Danish review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_6589a DSC_6590a DSC_6591a


Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6617a DSC_6633a

Sunwayled M40C

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review
I have collected beamshots from M40C and other lights with colors in Beamshots colors, August 2010

Low, medium, high:
DSC_6593a DSC_6594a DSC_6595a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6618a DSC_6634a

Crelant 7G3 XML T6


Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6620a DSC_6635a

Olight M31 Triton

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, medium, high:
DSC_6597a DSC_6598a DSC_6599a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6621a DSC_6636a

JetBeam M1XM

Low, medium, high:
DSC_6600a DSC_6601a DSC_6602a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6622a DSC_6637a

4Sevens Maelstrom G5

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, #2, #3:
DSC_6603a DSC_6604a DSC_6605a


Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6623a DSC_6638a

ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L

Read more about the light and see pictures and curves in my review

Low, High:
DSC_6608a DSC_6609a

Tree 12 meter, Tree long distance:
DSC_6624a DSC_6639a


Most of the small beamshot pictures can be clicked for a larger version. To compare beamshots, open the larger picture in different tabs, then switch between tabs to see the difference.

Sunwayled has changed name to Sunwayman