Beamshot Lux-RC FL33 comparison, September 2011
This beamshot compares the FL33 to some other lights.
Some other comparisons are: Beamshot of 14 big lights, August 2011, Beamshot of 8 light with 18650 battery, Juli 2011, Beamshot of 7 Fenix and 6 other lights, May 2011, Beamshot of 12 big lights, Marts 2011, Beamshot of 14 big lights, September 2010, Beamshot of 17 big lights, April 2010, Beamshot 9 big lights, June 2010 and Beamshot 8 big lights, June 2010

I have included the following lights (Same sequence as picture): Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2, ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10, Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler.
The FL33 was tested with two 16340 batteries, all other with one 18650 battery.
The FL33 can be ordered in many different configurations, for this comparison I am using a 11 watt light engine with 3 neutral leds, it can use one or two LiIon batteries and has highest output on two batteries.
For the FL33 all medium and low beamshot and measurements are somewhere about high and low in the user adjustable range, it is not possible to select the exact high or low.

This chart shows the total light output measured with a ceiling bounce. The FL33 with 3 XP-G leds is in top.

Most of the lights has a huge output range, the FL33 and Scorpion has a adjustable and a fixed setting. On the FL33 the high output is fixed, on the Scorpion it is the lowest brightness. The SC600 has lots of settings, but some of them requires a lot of click to select.

The FL33 is not a thrower, but has a very good flood beam. Exactly how floody, depends on the selected optic, mine is somewhere in the middle.

The FL33 is light, especially because I am using 2x16340 batteries, if I had used a 18650 it would be 10 gram more.

In this table I have summarized the abilities of the lights. For the user interface I use the following abbreviations: TS: Tail switch, ETS: Electronic tail switch, ESS: Electronic side switch, Head: The head is used to select modes, Tail: The tail is used to select modes.

The price for the different lights as found on the internet. The FL33 is a custom light, this makes it considerable more expensive.
Beam profile, high power
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Beam profile, high power, reduced exposure
The reduced exposure makes it easier to compare the hotspot.
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Beam profile, lowest setting
Single level lights uses the same picture as above.
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Beam profile, lowest setting, increased exposure
Increasing the exposure makes it easier to compare the low settings.
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Tree at 15 meters
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Trees at 150 meters
Lux-RC FL33, Olight M21-X, Fenix Tk21 U2:

ThruNite Scorpion, ZebraLight SC600, Klarus XT10:

Spark SL6-740NW, JetBeam ST Cycler:

Dark reference

Lux-RC FL33

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, high:

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

Olight M21-X

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, high:

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

Fenix Tk21 U2

Low, #2, #3:


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

ThruNite Scorpion

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, #2, #3:


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

ZebraLight SC600

Low, #2, #3:

#4, #5, #6:

#7, High:

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

Klarus XT10

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, medium, high:

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

Spark SL6-740NW

Read more about the light and see pictures and measurements in my review.
Low, #2, #3:

#4, High:

Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters:

JetBeam ST Cycler

Low, #2, #3:


Tree at 15 meter, trees at 150 meters: