Review of flashlights in English
NiteCore SensCR

NiteCore SensMini

NiteCore SensAA

Beamshot comparison of AA/CR123/CR2 lights, July 2012

ThruNite TN31

ThruNite TN30

Beamshot of ThruNite and other large lights, May 2012

Xtar TZ58 pre-production

Beamshot comparison of 18650 lights

ThruNite pre-production 3 XML flashlight

Beamshot comparison of big lights, January 2012

Xtar Wk26

Xtar Wk25B

Xtar Wk21

Beamshot comparison Xtar, January 2012

Niwalker NWK750 pre-production

Xtar S1

Beamshot comparison, January 2012

ThruNite TN11

ThruNite Ti

Beamshot of AAA lights, November 2011

ThruNite T30

Beamshot ThruNite comparison, November 2011

ThruNite TN10

ThruNite TN12

Beamshot ThruNite comparison, October 2011

Lux-RC FL33

Beamshot Lux-RC FL33 comparison, September 2011

Klarus XT20

Beamshot Klarus XT20 comparison, September 2011

OLight i3 EOS

Beamshot of AAA lights, September 2011

Olight M21-X

Balder BD-4

Beamshot 13 lights, September 2011

4Sevens Quark X AA-2

4Sevens Quark X 123-2 Tactical

Beamshot of Quark XM-L and some other lights, August 2011

Fenix TK70

Olight SR51 Intimidator

Beamshot of 14 big lights, August 2011

DQG II, the worlds smallest AAA light

Klarus Mi X6

Beamshot of AAA lights, Juli 2011

Spark SL6 740NW

Klarus X10

Beamshot of 8 light with 18650 battery, Juli 2011

ThruNite Scorpion V2

Beamshot of 8 lights, June 2011

Fenix TK41

Beamshot of 7 Fenix and 6 other lights, May 2011

OLight Mini Titanium AAA S2 and ITP EOS A3 Upgraded

Fenix LD01 SS 2010

Klarus Mi10

Fenix E05

4Sevens Maelstrom S12

Beamshot of 12 big lights, Marts 2011


Beamshot AAA lights, Marts 2011

ArmyTek Predator

ThruNite Catapult V2 XM-L

Reflex Flashlights Reflex1

Led Lenser M14

Ray X60

4Sevens Maelstrom G5 updated

Beamshot lights with multiple CR123 or AA batteries, October 2010

4Sevens Preon ReVO

Tiablo E3A Exquisite

4Greer WS1

Beamshot AAA lights, October 2010

Sunwayled M40C

Sunwayled M40A

Sunwayled M30A

Beamshot colors, August 2010

Sunwayled M10R

OLight M31 Triton

Beamshot of 14 big lights, September 2010

Icon Solo

Beamshots of Penlights, September 2010

Sunwayled M10R

NiteCore Infilux IFE1

NiteCore Infilux IFE1 and Sunwayled M10R comparison

Beamshot 8 big lights, June 2010

ThruNite Catapult V2

Fenix TK45

Ray S20

Beamshot AAA lights, July 2010

Mr.Lite J2

Mr.Lite MX2

Mr.Lite SS2

Mr.Lite LT2

JetBeam RRT-3

Beamshot 9 big lights, June 2010

Mr.Lite PT1

Beamshot AAA lights, june 2010

Volere AA

Beamshots of AA flashlights, may 2010

Titanium Innovations L70

Beamshot of 17 big lights, April 2010

Mr.Lite KC-05

Mr.Lite I4S (MC-E)


Ray D1

Beamshots of AAA flashlights, january 2010

Xtar TZ-20 Platoon

Tactical HID 26W HID

ITP A6 Polestar beam shot

Xtar D30 Howitzer beam shot comparison

ITP A3 EOS and Maratac AAA beamshots comparison

OLight M20 Ti Warrior beam shot comparison

22 Beamshots, September 2009

24 Beamshots, August 2009

Review of ThruNite TiKey, a very small keychain light

NiteCore SR3 beam shots comparison

Beamshots from AAA Flashlights

JetBeam RRT-2 Raptor beamshoot comparison

Beamshoot comparison to 4Sevens Quark AA/123

JetBeam RRT-1 comparison beamshoot

NiteCore EZAA comparison beamshoot

12 beamshoots

A look at AAA flashlights (Updated)

A look at small flashlights