Individual tests
This is the links to all the battery reviews for smaller cells.
Links to test
Vapcell INR18350 1400mAh F14 (Green) 2021
Keeppower 14430 1050mAh P1443C3 (Black) 2020
Keeppower 16340 800mAh RCR123A (Black-Silver) 2020
Keeppower 16340 800mAh P1680U (Blue-white) 2020
Keeppower 14500 1100mAh P1450C3 (Black) 2020
Keeppower 18350 1400mAh P1835C3 (Black) 2020
Keeppower 14430 950mAh P1443C2 (Black) 2020
Keeppower 16340 850mAh P1634C2 (Black) 2020
Keeppower 14500 950mAh P1495U (Blue-white) 2020
Vapcell INR14500 950mAh P1409A (Black-red) 2020
Unknown 18350 800mAh (Blue)
DoublePow ICR18350P 700mAh (Blue)
Sofirn 18350 850mAh (Blue)
PKCell IMR18350 700mAh (Blue)
MoPower 18350 1100mAh (Purple) NTHPO
Eizfan 18350 1100mAh (Black)
Vapcell INR16340 800mAh P1608A (Black-blue) 2020
Vapcell INR16340 850mAh T8 (Cyan) 2020
Vapcell INR14500 H10 1000mAh (Purple) 2020
Ampsplus 18350 1200mAh (Black) 2020
Vapcell INR14500 L10 1050mAh (Purple) 2020
Shockli IMR14500 1050mAh (Orange) 2020
Vapcell INR14650 1100mAh V11 (Gold) 2020
Ampsplus 14500 1000mAh (Black) 2020
Ampsplus 18350 NMC 1150mAh (Black) 2020
Nicron 14500 USB NRB-L750 750mAh (Black-Orange)
Nitecore 14500 NL1485 850mAh (Black-yellow)
Meco 16340 1200mAh (Cyan)
GIF TR16340 2500mAh (Gray)
Vapcell INR18350 1000mAh (Blue) 2019
Golisi IMR18350 1100mAh S11 (Black) 2019
Vapcell INR18350 1100mAh (Purple) 2019
Vapcell INR18350 850mAh (Red) 2019
Shockli 14500 AA 1000mAh (Black)
Keeppower 14500 1000mAh P1450C2 (Black) 2019
Shockli 14500 AA LiFePO4 650mAh (Purple)
Vapcell INR14500 650mAh (Blue)
Vapcell INR10440 320mAh (Green)
HDS Systems INR16340 700mAh (Red)
Vapcell INR16340 800mAh (White)
Vbatty ICR16500 1200mAh (Blue)
Eoaneoe LS16340 2500mAh (Purple)
Weltool INR16320 750mAh 123A USB (Black-red)
This battery is a CR123 rechargeable substitute.
Vapcell ICR14500 1000mAh (Gold) 2018
Shockli 18350 1150mAh (Black) 2018
Shockli 16340 700mAh (Yellow) 2018
BestFire IMR18350 1500mAh (Black-silver)
Sofirn 14500 900mAh (Black)
Soshine IFR16340 3.2V 500mAh (Blue-white)
Soshine CR2 LiFePO4 400mAh (Black)
Vapcell INR18350 1100mAh (Purple)
Shockli IMR14500 660mAh (Yellow) 2018
PKCell 18350 900mAh (Blue) (This cell is maybe a fake)
PKCell ICR10440 350mAh (Blue)
Soshine 14500 900mAh (White-yellow)
Keeppower 18350 1200mAh P1835C2 (Black) 2017
Keeppower 18350 1200mAh UH1835P (Black) 2017
UltraFire 18350 1100mAh (Black-red)
UltraFire 16340 650mAh (Red-black)
Roxane RS16340 1000mAh (Black)
BestFire IMR18350 1100mAh (Purple)
TrustFire IMR16340 650mAh (Red-gold)
nicjoy 14500 850mAh (Green-brown)
LiitoKala 18350 900mAh (Pink)
PKCELL ICR14500 750mAh (Blue)
Efest IMR18350 700mAh (Purple) 2017
Efest IMR14500 650mAh (Purple) 2017
Soshine 10440 AAA 350mAh (Black)
Klarus LiR16340 700mAh (Red)
UltraFire 14500 750mAh (Black-red)
TrustFire TF18350 1200mAh (Black-red-gold)
Aspire INR18350 1300mAh (Black-yellow)
TangsFire TS18350 1500mAh (White)
TangsFire TS18350 1200mAh (Gray)
Fenix 14500 800mAh ARB-L14 (Orange-Black)
Fenix 16340 700mAh ARB-L16-700 (Orange-Black)
GTF TR14500 2500mAh (Yellow)
Enercig TN14500HP 650mAh (Gray)
Soshine 16340 RCR-123 700mAh (Black)
GIF TR16340 2500mAh (Yellow)
GTF TR16340 2800mAh (White)
TrustFire IMR14500 700mAh (Red-gold)
Vbatty IMR14500 880mAh (Yellow)
Jetbeam 14500 750mAh JL148 (Blue-white)
Shockli 16340 700mAh (Yellow)
GTL LS14500 2300mAh (Purple)
Litelong 14500 LiFePO4 1200mAh (White)
Soshine 14500 LiFePO4 700mAh (Gray)
Efest IMR10440 V1 350mAh (Black) 2013
UltraFire LC10440 500mA (Gray)
UltraFire TR10440 600mAh (Blue)
Xtar IMR18350 850mAh (Black)
Soshine 18350 1000mAh (Black)
Gpower IMR18350 700mAh (Purple)
Hibatt IMR14500 700mAh (Orange)
SuperPower SP16340 3000mAh (Orange)
Enerpower LC18350HP-700 700mAh (Blue)
AW IMR16340 15C 550mAh (Red) 2016
Enercig EC-14500HP 650mA (Gray)
AW IMR14500 650mAh (Red) 2016
TrustFire 16340 880mAh (White)
K2 Energy 14500 LiFePO4 500mAh (White)
UltraFire 16340 1000mAh (Blue)
Enercig EC-14500HC 850mA (Blue)
Keeppower IMR18350 (Black)
AW 14500 750mAh (Black) 2016
MXJO IMR18350 700mAh (Yellow)
Efest IMR18350 700mAh (Purple) 2016
AW IMR16340 550mAh (Red) 2016
AW 16340 ICR123 750mAh (Black) 2016
Klarus 16340 K-03 650mAh (Yellow)
Olight 16340 RCR123A 650mAH (Cyan)
Olight 14500 750mAh (Cyan)
Nitecore NI18350A 700mAh (Black-yellow)
Nitecore 16340 NL166 650mAh (Black-yellow)
Nitecore 14500 NL147 750mAh (Black-yellow)
AW IMR18350 800mAh (Red)
TrustFire IMR16340 700mAh (Red)
Windyfire IMR16340 600mAh (Yellow)
Keeppower 14500 840mAh (Black) 2015
TrustFire IMR18350 800mAh (Red)
Keeppower 16340 700mAh (Black) 2015
SkyRay SR14500 900mAh (Yellow)
Vapcell IMR14500 700mAh (Yellow)
Vapcell IMR18350 900mAh (Purple)
Vapcell IMR18350 700mAh (Purple)
Windyfire 18350 700mAh (Cyan)
Windyfire 14500 800mAh (Purple)
Shockli 18350 700mAh (Cyan)
Sony US14500V 680mAh (Green)
Sanyo UR14500P 800mAh (Red)
Efest IMR13450 600mAh (Red) 2014
AWT IMR14500 600mAh (Yellow)
Efest IMR16340 550mAh (red) 2014
Efest IMR18350 700mAh (Purple) BT 2014
AWT IMR18350 800mAh (Yellow)
Efan IMR18350 700mAh (Purple)
AWT IMR16340 550mAh (Yellow)
AWT IMR18350 700mAh (Yellow)
Basen 18350 700mAh BS186I (Black)
Windyfire IMR18350 850mAh (Red)
Windyfire IMR14500 600mAh (Red)
Brillipower 14500 750mAh (Black)
Tensai 16340 RCR123A 650mAh (Blue)
GTL LS16340 2300mAh (Gray)
Tensai LC18350 950mAh (Gray)
Xtar 14500 800mAh (Black)
Efest IMR18350 700mAh (Purple) 2014
MBI Nuke 14500 650mAh (Black)
Keeppower 14500 840mAh (Black) 2014
Keeppower 14500 800mAh (Black) 2014
Coolook 14500 LiFePO4 700mAh (Black)
Sibeile IMR14500 700mAh (Black) 2014
Sibeile IMR18350 800mAh bt (Black) 2014
Sibeile IMR18350 700mAh ft (Black) 2014
Efest 18350 900mAh (Black) 2014
Efest 16340 850mAh (Black) 2014
Efest 14500 800mAh (Black) 2014
Kinoko IMR18350 850mAh (Gray)
Kinoko IMR16340 700mAh (Gray)
Kinoko IMR14500 750mAh (Gray)
Sibeile IMR14500 700mAh (Black)
Soshine RCR123 3.0V 650mAh (Black)
Sibeile IMR10440 350mAh (Black)
Sibeile IMR18350 800mAh (Black)
TrustFire TF16340 880mAh (Flame)
Efest IMR14650 950mAh (Red)
Xtar 18350 900mAh (Black)
TrustFire 14500 900mAh (Blue) LC
Efest IMR14430 V1 600mAh (Red)
UltraFire XSL18350 1200mAh (Orange)
Efest 16340 850mAh (Black)
Efest IMR18350 800mAh (Red)
Efest IMR10440 V1 350mAh (Black)
Efest IMR16340 V2 550mAh (Red)
Efest IMR14500 V1 700mAh (Red)
Efest IMR14500 V2 700mAh (Red)
TrustFire 14500 900mAh (Flame)
Yezl 16340 880mAh (Gray)
EnerPower 14500 840mAh (Yellow)
TrustFire 14500 900mAh (Blue)
AW ICR10440 350mAh (Blue)
AW 14500 750mA (Black)
AW IMR 14500 600mAh (Red)
AW 16340 ICR123 750mAh (Black)
AW IMR 16340 550mAh (Red)
AW IMR 18350 700mAh (Red)
Intl-outdoor UR14500P 840mAh (Black)
Keeppower 16340 700mAh (Black)
Keeppower 14500 800mAh (Black)
EagleTac 16340 750mAh (Black)
EagleTac 14500 750mAh (Black)